Everyone’s heard horror stories of players writing 20-page backstories for an RPG campaign, only to have none of it ever come up in play! While excitement and enthusiasm for your character is awesome for you and your game table, nobody wants that much effort to just go to waste. Here’s what your backstory actually needs to be easy to write, useful for your Game Master, and leave room for your character to grow in play.
Take our short Learn to Play DnD Quiz! From there we’ll match you with a hand-picked professional Dungeon Master who specializes in teaching the game. You’ll also be matched with a table full of other new players.
While many people might first come to the table for the thrill of escaping reality or telling a story, they often leave with a sense of camaraderie they weren’t necessarily looking for.
You might have the base knowledge that Dungeons & Dragons, or DnD, is a game where people roll dice and do silly things. But there’s so much more– a whole multiverse of more.
During a preview, Roll20 showed how its character sheet’s visuals are being updated for better readability. They’re taking player feedback into account when deciding what information goes where.