Encounter Ideas


Encounter Ideas

5 Dragons Your D&D Players Should Face

It’s called Dungeons & Dragons, which means everyone expects to dungeon crawl and fight a dragon. That will only be more true in October, when Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons unleashes a trove of new dragon lore on 5E. Gem dragons will make their return, dragonborn players will get new options, and lairs will see expanded rules. But that doesn’t mean DMs need to wait until October to drop a dragon on their players. Here are five dragons you can find in the Monster Manual that will shock, awe, and burn your party to a crisp. 
Encounter Ideas

D&D Encounters: Out of the Dungeon and Onto the Beach

Summer is a great time to get outside, soak up some sun, and feel that ocean breeze. Or it would be, if most of the world wasn’t stuck indoors. Fortunately for Dungeons & Dragons players, a beach getaway is simply a matter of imagination. Let’s look at some ways DMs can bring the beach to the table.