Running the Game


Running the Game

A Comprehensive List of Virtual Tabletops - Updated 2023

With more tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) happening online these days, you might be exploring your virtual tabletop (VTT) options. We’ve checked out some of the best VTTs around so you can find the perfect fit for your group.
Running the Game

Pro GM Audio & Video - How To Look (And Sound) Your Best

Professional Game Masters make a lot of use of video calls and webcams, so here are some tips to get the best of your gear no matter your budget.
Running the Game

An Introduction To Owlbear Rodeo

Owlbear Rodeo ditches the fancy animated maps and macros for a simple map-and-tokens setup.
Running the Game

A New Player's Guide To Roll20

Are you joining your first-ever RPG game on Roll20? Here's what you need to set up your character and start rolling.
Running the Game

How to play D&D (and other TTRPGs) on Zoom

Zoom is that online video chat app we all have on our computers from 2020, so it makes for a familiar and easy platform for remote TTRPG play.
Running the Game

How to Use Discord to Play D&D (And Other TTRPGs)

Looking to use Discord to run your remote games? Here are the basic tools you'll need to get up and running quickly.
Running the Game

How to Set Up your discord for D&D

Discord is one of the most powerful tools for running Dungeons & Dragons, or any TTRPG for that matter. It can even be your only tool, if you plan on running theatre of the mind battles or a system where combat isn’t involved at all. You can just make an account, send out invite links, and start a call. Like many tools, however, Discord has a lot of uses apart from its most obvious one. Here is how to level up your Discord from a simple call app to a thriving community hub.