Now more than ever people are learning to play D&Donline. Content creators have created numerous YouTube videos and Twitch Streams about how to play the actual game of D&D, so we’re not going to cover that here. What we are going to talk about is what tools you might use to play D&D online.
Hello! I am a lifelong game master, freelance RPG designer and professional GM . I have writing credits under Wizards of the Coast, Paizo, Ulisses North America, Schwalb Entertainment, Kobold Press, Alligator Alley Entertainment and Soldier Spy. I was a member of the D&D Guild Adepts and community manager for the D&D Adventurers League. I'm a die-hard Dark Sun fan and the founder of the Burnt World of Athas website ( I was born and live in the deserts of Athas, aka Phoenix, AZ, with my wife, two little adventurers, and two animal companions.