

Lancer is set 15,000 years from the present day, where a revolutionary interplanetary state, Union, struggles to win a better world for the whole of humanity. You’ll not see the project complete, but you’ll put your shoulder to the wheel, struggle, and advance. There are many pilots in the galaxy, but only one of you. Your character is a lancer, a mech ace renowned for their skill in their machine. Developed half a millennia prior to the current day of Lancer’s setting, mechanized chassis — mechs — have redefined how war is fought across the Orion Arm. Under your command, your mech is a weapon unparalleled, and with your mech and your comrades by your side, you’ll write your own story.

Originally created by Miguel Lopez, Tom Bloom


3-5 Players
D20 System
Grid Map




Release Date


How to play Lancer

Using a mix of rules-light narrative play and gritty tactical combat, together with friends you’ll fight to win a better future for humanity. With countless possible combinations of gear, chassis, and weapon, your perfect mech is out there, ready to carry you and your party to victory.

Frequently asked questions about Lancer

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