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2 years on StartPlaying

515 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Teacher

Average response time: 16 hours

Response rate: 100%

About me

In the vast modern expanse of grueling monotony one can seek a, Burt!. Not an NPC, but not a PC, yet something in between. Burt!, is here to fulfill the role of, Boredom Tech Support©. Patching adventure ,excitement into mundane moments of fleeting excitement and immersive role play. There has been a vast tapestry of gaming history where stories have been spun and weaved into a vast carpets of worlds. A quiet army of Burt!'s, have been rubbing their feety pajama's and gathering the static of generations of creative minds more vast than their own. Subtly absorbing the narratives and twisting plots that have unfolded across the world and have distilled it into a series of tabletop adventures – a, Burt!,is dedicated to being a Master Game masseuse extraordinaire, with a twist. Weaving fantastical tales of whim, wind, wonder, whatsit and whatnot. With over two questionable decades of game running experience a, Burt!, has honed skills to guide and facilitate those seeking extraordinary journeys, self realization, personal deconstruction and/or just plain Ol' Fun. Navigating diverse realms, from classic DnD adventures, to the intricate landscapes of White Wolf Games and the thrilling theatrics of Wrath and Glory a, Burt!, welcomes a prism of preferences within the kaleidoscope that makes a gaming group. The world of Burt!'s approach to gaming is inclusive*, inviting all participants to the shared spectacle of group imagination. Whether delving into a serious narrative or reveling in the freedom of open-world exploration, a The Burt! approaches each twist and turn with enthusiasm, dedicated to ensuring every player finds joy in the experience. A, The Burt!, is a custodian of enjoyment, a The Burt! encourages adventurers to appreciate the diverse paths leading to merriment and memories. So, when the klaxon to adventure calls, count on, Burt! – a steady guide ready to roll the dice and propel you into uncharted territories. Let the pages turn, and let the adventure unfold! “Knowing where the trap is—that's the first step in evading it.” - Dune, Frank Herbert. "Maybe, I just mess with them for the sick fun of it, then again, mayhaps I just don't" - Burt! *Exceptions to my inclusion rules: No nasty R's, rude, racist or repugnant. A, Burt!, will not accept it at their dinner or game table!

GM style

The Burt! offers a veritable feast of gaming styles. Looking for serious roleplaying? The Burt!'s got you covered. Want a madcap, munchkin-filled game? No problem. Prefer tightly-reined narrative story-driven play? The Burt! can do that too. Maybe you're in the mood for a pure anarchically open world full of random encounters? The Burt!, will make it work! Regardless of the style you choose, The Burt! offers a calm, understanding, and patient approach to gameplay. The Burt! sees the game as a fun experience with rules attached, not a scripted reenactment. The Burt! is always respectful of players' needs. Please let The Burt! know if there are any considerations that need to be addressed before, during or after the game. Above all, The Burt! wants players to enjoy a few hours of pure, unadulterated adventure. So let Burt! guide you and your friends through a thrilling game that will leave you with unforgettable memories!

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