Pegasus Rescue Team

Pegasus Rescue Team

Homebrew Game on Zoom

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 3 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

The Prince of Clouds' most beloved friend, Macora, has been stolen by an evil wizard! Who knows what dark magic she is being purposed for? As a team you must traverse the Swamps of Stench, enter the Catacombs of Despair and rescue her in time. Each of you are connected in some way to this evil wizard or have your own reasons to partake in this quest. A one shot adventure you can jump right into without much character preparation or game knowledge. You can play as almost any sort of Fantasy trope character, players have been Bunnycorns, Cats, Ninjas and Vikings, etc.. 3rd level AD&D 5E characters are welcome too! Using AD&D 1E mixed with homebrew rules, visual effects and props- I make this an entertaining and immersive experience, I've been able to adapt this original adventure on the spot for Team Building, Birthdays, Date Nights and more.

3 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Visual Aid, Voices, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

I'll send the zoom link, it will prompt you to get started, you do not need to have or start an account. Please be on active video in Zoom. No experience with Role Playing Games rules is necessary. We will use 20 sided dice most often which you may bring or can be found instantly by web searching "roll 1d20". When our game begins, you'll be asked by a non player character details about who you are and you'll share the information or we'll create it on the spot.

What I provide

I'm available for pre-game discussions regarding Team Building focus, Birthday wishes etc.. via messaging or video chat.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

If you send me information about your character ahead of time, I can incorporate it into the story. Feel free to draw a picture of your character and send that to me or present it at our game time. As your Game Master, I'm open to almost any type and race of character or creature that fits in a medieval fantasy setting. Easiest choices are: sorcerers, warriors, thief/ rogue/ pirate. Your characters are equivalent of level 3 in AD&D 1st Ed., meaning: you've been on a few adventures before, have fairly decent weapons, clothes, armour and have acquired a magic item. Please check out these suggestions to create your character for the game, this way we can jump right in to an adventure. I assign limitations, Hit Points, Armour Class, Bonuses and other complex technical game stuff in my notes so you don't have to. If you don't have time, that's ok- I'll be asking players to present their character in the game and we can create the character on the spot. WHAT I REQUEST (in any order): 1. Name- Here's a name generator if you can't think of one: 2. Class (warrior, thief, witch etc.) 3. Race- Are you a human, elvin. hobbit, orcish, gnome or is there another type of fantasy creature you want to be? - Perhaps you want to be a werewolf, an owl, a cat, a half cheetah or a unicorn, that's ok too! Choose from below or create one you like: Human (easiest, well rounded, cannot see in the dark) Dwarf (strong constitution, low charisma, usually a fighter) Elven (high dexterity, lower constitution, usually a magic user) Half-Orc (high strength, low charisma, low intelligence, no magic, usually a fighter type/ barbarian) Halfling/ Hobbit (high dexterity, low strength, usually a thief) Gnome (strong constitution, low strength, various classes) 4. Special Object, Weapon or Spell (2 spells only) (spell lists) Please tell us ONE special item/ magic spell you carry that is representative of your character class or adds to your backstory. Is it a Battle axe handed down to you from generations? Is it a pair of well crafted boots that a Thief can walk silently in? Do you own a Pirate Ship or map to a buried treasure? What is the main spell/ magic item that your Magic User character casts or wields? Does your Druid have a wand that allows it to control plants? Does your Illusionist specialise in Hypnosis? Maybe your character simply has a soup spoon with magic writing on it and you have no idea what it does! If you are a wizard type, what 2 magic spells do you have ready to use? Young players seem to like spells with fire, ice, invisibility, levitation or flying. SPELLS FOR INSPIRATION OR CREATE YOUR OWN: level 4 or below: 5. Backstory- Are you from a city and have been raised with many amenities readily available? Were you raised in a mountain area dependent on wilderness survival? By creating a backstory, your character will become more real to you and everyone else playing. You may create as little or as many details as you wish. Help for Backstory: An evil Wizard named Doolash has caused trouble across the lands. He has followers who wear masks and steal villagers away at night. No-one is sure where Doolash dwells or when he will strike next- or what dark magical purposes he uses the villagers for. YOU have been affected by his treacherous ways.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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