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Agency Omega

Agency Omega

Call of Cthulhu | Campaign

About the adventure

Set deep in the 1920s (a fictional 1920s with less racism and sexism). You are members of a secret US government organization, Agency Omega. Your job is to Investigate strange occurrences and determine if they are supernatural in origin, Document what you find, and Contain the damage. You are the last line of defense for the US Government against the things that bump in the night. Because of the nature of your Secret Organization you will have limited resources and have to use your wits and what you find to solve your problems.

Recruiting notes

Session 0 will be free, as soon as I figure out how. We will go over character creation and safety rules.


2 years on StartPlaying

14 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Knows the Rules

Additional details

How to prepare

You do not need to be familiar with the rules I can run this game rules blind or can provide rules on the go. If the players are familiar with the rules I can run that way as well. We will be using role20 for keeping track of characters. Having a microphone to facilitate online play is useful. Webcams are optional. No dice are needed.

What I provide

I will have the rules, run the software (roll20 and any software to run mics). I will provide maps, illustrations, pictures, hand-outs, maps, and any props that might come into play.

Gameplay details

I go for flexible games, I will ask before and after sessions if the structure of the game needs to change. I try to have an even mix of role-play, combat, puzzles, and exploration. I heavily encourage player involvement with the structure of the world and the game.

Content warnings

• Violence

• Guns

• Hostages

• Blood

• Alcohol Use

Safety tools used



Lines and Veils

Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Open Door

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

How will character creation work

Character creation will be discussed during session 0. If we run out of time or additional help is needed I can provide one on one help. We are making 1920s era investigators from a variety of backgrounds. Ones that could conceivably work for a government agency. So please have a concept in mind as it will make the process easier and faster.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used





Theater of the Mind


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Custom / Tuesday - 7:20 AM UTC

2-6 Hour duration

1 / 5 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: All Ages

This game will begin once 3 players have joined