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curse of strahd.

curse of strahd.

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

Heroes from the Forgotten Realms and other D&D worlds can easily be drawn into Strahd’s cursed land. Once there, they must contend with the horrors of Barovia. Its people are melancholy, misshapen and grotesque, living in fear of the wolves and other creatures that serve Strahd’s evil will. The only hope for the trapped adventurers is to heed the warnings of a mysterious fortune-teller named Madam Eva. Drawing random cards from her tarroka deck, she directs adventurers to search Strahd’s domain for artifacts and allies to help the master of Castle Ravenloft. I like a nice balance of adventure, combat and rp. but if my players want more rp I will adjust for them. I love roleplay above all things when it comes to dnd.

Recruiting notes

this adventure starts level 1 you can pick home brew and unearthed arcana. once we experience session zero you will send me a description of your characters dream before they end up in the land of barovia.




2 years on StartPlaying

5 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Rule of Cool

Game Master Reviews (5)


Players say this GM is great at:



Rule of Cool

Bob avatar


He was the dm for my first ever campaign. was real nice and was willing to take time and explain how everything worked, and tries to get players to enact in Rp.

Toma  avatar


This Dm is very good at letting you express your creativity, he always helps you have the most fun in any game. He is always inclusive, and makes sure he never forgets about your backstory or character events that happened in the past. He is also very rule savvy, meaning that he knows the rules and will play accordingly but not in absence of fun.

Rose avatar


He loves world building and encourages player creativity, always welcoming homebrew to let his players have the all tools they need to create the character of their dreams.

Dashie avatar


Great use of imagery in order to properly immerse the players in the world

LightVilcon avatar


A fun GM who makes expansive worlds filled with fun characters, he enjoys a good homebrew or two and is friendly to all of his players

Additional details

How to prepare

We will be using discord to communicate. and roll 20 for playing the curse of strahd module. dnd beyond is optimal. If you have any questions I am always free to answer.

What I provide

I will offer the curse of strahd and other future modules. I will send a link from dnd beyond so you can have access to my dnd beyond content for if you use dnd beyond to make your character. everything is online. all you will need is a free roll20 account to play. you don't have to worry about buying anything to play with me.

Gameplay details

This game is pretty heavy in horror and death. if you don't like blood or gore. this game is not right for you. it has a lot of combat but I can intend to keep it pretty roleplay heavy. I wish to do my best to make the game enjoyable for everyone. new players are always welcomed.

Content warnings

Safety tools used





Lines and Veils

Luxton Technique

Luxton Technique Discussion

Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Open Door

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

we will use roll20 to make our characters. you can use dnd beyond as well. I have a link to connect the two for rolling purpose. I always happy to help. homebrew and unearthed arcana is allowed during the game. for this strahd session i will have a human only group. you will be half variant human and half another race of your choice. you will start with a common magic item of your choice and after you beat death house you will get a free uncommon magic item of your choice. am fine with fluff for how you flavor how your character looks when it comes to spell casting , characters look, how your weapons and clothing works.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used


D&D Beyond



/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Custom / Tuesday - 7:20 AM UTC

2-5 Hour duration

3 / 6 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+