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1 year on StartPlaying

60 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Storytelling, Knows the Rules

About me

If you're looking for a GM who is a fan of their players' characters, prepares professional quality gaming environments, and presents highly satisfying challenges to overcome, then you're in the right place! I love running games for folks of all experience levels, whether they be newcomers who have never touched a d20, or veterans with dozens of characters in storage. Playing with a new group can be nerve-racking, but if you join one of my games, it won't take long to feel like you're part of the team. My background in tech support and customer service has given me strong communication skills, and the nature of my games makes it easy to onboard new members to the party. I'm also very experienced with helping beginners learn rules. Everyone is welcome at my tables, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, and so on. Intolerance towards any of these is entirely unwelcome and grounds for immediate dismissal.

GM style

If you want to see what it's like to play in one of my Lancer sessions, check out this video! My style is more cinematic than theatrical. For example, in narrative scenes, I often summarize an NPC's talking points instead of acting out the entire conversation in order to keep these scenes brisk. If you appreciate fast-paced narrative play that helps us get to the action sooner rather than later, then you're a great fit for my games! Tactical, crunchy combat is core to most of my sessions. My goal is to present interesting challenges to overcome with teamwork and careful consideration of actions. My combat encounters are usually quite long, but "long" doesn't mean "boring." I believe in preparing challenges and sticking to them. I always roll dice openly and never fudge results. If players unexpectedly breeze through a fight, I congratulate them on a well-earned victory. If enemies get really lucky with the dice, I expect players to counter with strategic thinking. I go to extensive lengths with Foundry VTT for quality of life enhancements, game automation, sound effects, and music to make nearly every scene memorable. I also have pre-recorded enemy voice quips that I play through a soundboard, which are always a big hit with my players! These extra measures make each session an engaging experience that you won't get anywhere else.


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