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Dane (he/him)



Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

433 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Teacher

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

About me

Hello! I started playing TTRPGs an eon ago with the D&D Red Box set and was nearly immediately put into the DM role by my siblings and cousins. I would say I am equally comfortable with a homebrewed campaign setting as well as any official worlds. Dragonlance being my favorite with Spelljammer coming in a solid second. Outside of D&D I find Villians and Vigilantes and Paranoia to be just downright fun while World of Darkness is great for sheer world immersiveness. In the end, I love setting the scene and letting the players run wild with their creations.

GM Style

I feel the players move the story while my role is to breathe life into the world around them. I feel both RP and Combat carry the same weight of importance and a successful and fun game will balance each to the desires of the players. Being a visual person I tend to be as descriptive as possible using all tools available including custom VTT tokens and maps that I make myself. I use Fantasy Grounds Unity Ultimate so no player has to purchase the software.

Game platforms used
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