Itty Bitty Dungeon, Itty Bitty Hope

Itty Bitty Dungeon, Itty Bitty Hope

Pathfinder 1e on Roll20, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 6 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

This is a little dungeon for possibly-new players to learn, practice meet other people. We'll go over basic principles of roleplaying games including but not limited to designing a player character and their story, arbitration systems and concepts, historical tropes of the dungeon crawl genre, combat, dialogue and petting cats. If you are not new to tabletop games in general, but you are new to Pathfinder, this is a great opportunity to learn the basics of the system. Along the way, though, don't forget to socialize! These sorts of little meet-n-greets are a fantastic opportunity to find more people you may want to play with in the future because you'll see us all actually in action. If your cloak is plenty worn, you're still invited to have fun with us. There will be spooky rooms, a few mooks to meet, maybe a trap or two. Some puzzles. A bit of loot here and there. Bread, eggs, milk and horrific death. And for those players who might play with me in the future, some introduction to my personal setting that's grown and evolved over decades. We'll talk maybe a little bit about the history of tabletop games and fantasy genres. We'll learn about abstract game design concepts to help provide context for why certain things are the way they are. We'll hear about the fundamentals of roleplay interaction. We'll get our feet wet at immersion in character. We'll practice distinguishing between the need for mechanical interpretation and intra-table negotiation. We might even have fun. Just an itty bitty bit.

Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Knows the Rules

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players need to install Discord, since we won't be using the integrated Roll20 voice/cam interface. Players don't need a webcam. Players do need a mic. Very preferably as part of a "gaming headset" to isolate background noise and feedback. And players will be learning to get used to using a push-to-talk format. Players do not need physical dice. I know. I know. But since we're using a VT in the 21st century, digital dice are not in short supply. Most people who have gotten so far as to look for tabletop games to join have at least read about them, but might not have read the basics of the Pathfinder system yet. It would be helpful, but we'll be going over the bare bone basics. This tutorial assumes players do not need help navigating and using computers, media and internet technologies in general.

What I provide

I've already constructed and set up the dungeon map and assets. Handouts for important items or clues are already created. The pregenerated characters already have portraits and biographies. There might be a little homework for players to think about and look over after Session 0. Since this is Pathfinder, all the mechanical details of the system are freely available under the OGL so players don't actually need to bring or buy anything in order to join and start learning.

Gameplay details

Session 0 will involve the most basic things, like navigating and filling out a character sheet as well screening for triggers since we will actually be playing through a dungeon when we're ready to do so. Asking questions and learning all along the way is the point of this tutorial, but there will also be time afterwards for questions and answers. Although a tutorial, this is a dungeon experience. Which means there will be violence, horror and evil. Most adults aware of what tabletop games are probably won't find it particularly depressing, but this little tale is not a comedy. If you are comfortable watching the Lord Of The Rings movies, you'll survive.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work

Since this is a tutorial, learning how to create characters is part of the introductory process. Walking through mechanical basics if necessary, navigating and filling out sheets, interpreting and customizing pregenerated characters will all be discussed if necessary. PCs will be level 1 so they're nice and simple. Roll20 has sheets integrated into its user interface but if necessary even simpler sheets can be located.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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