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The One Ring 2e

The One Ring 2e

Twenty-four years ago, an alliance of Elves, Men, and Dwarves defeated a horde of Orcs and Wild Wolves, under a sky darkened by Giant Bats, inaugurating a new era of prosperity for the Free Peoples. But twenty years is a long time for peace to last, and in many dark corners of the earth a shadow is lengthening once again. Enter the world of Middle-earth with The One Ring™, the official tabletop roleplaying game based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Designed specifically to evoke the atmosphere of The Hobbit™ and The Lord of the Rings™, the game contains rules for creating heroes and sending them off on adventures in a land threatened by the growing Shadow.

Originally created by Francesco Nepitello, Marco Maggi


2-6 Players
d12/d6 System


Gritty Fantasy

Release Date


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How to play The One Ring 2e

The One Ring 2e uses two types of dice; regular six sided dice (d6), and twelve sided dice (d12). When your characters encounter something that requires them to roll, you will roll your d12 (referred to as your "feat die"), and a number of d6s (referred to as your "success dice") equal to the relevant modifier. If the total of your roll is higher than the difficulty level of the check, then you have succeeded!

Frequently asked questions about The One Ring 2e

Explore The One Ring 2e Callings

Captain image


When the world is on the brink of ruin, it is the duty of all individuals of worth to rise and take the lead, whatever the risk. You have chosen to put your judgement to the service of others, to guide them in this dark hour. But you don’t want others to heed your commands out of fear or obedience, you want them to follow you because they trust you.

Champion image


You deem that there is but one way to oppose the return of the Shadow, and that it is to conquer it by strength of arms. You are recognized as a warrior among your folk, a valiant fighter, onward into battle. For you, the road to adventure leads straight to wherever your foes prowl or hide.

Messenger image


The Wise hold that evil days lie ahead, and that to keep hope, all who fight the Enemy must be as one. Yet, many miles and centuries of isolation separate the Free Peoples, and estrangement breeds mistrust. You have decided that it is your duty to travel to distant lands, carrying tidings and warning people of the coming danger.

Scholar image


For you, knowledge makes the wild world a less threatening place. Yellowed maps in lost books replace a fear of the unknown with curiosity and wonder, songs composed in ages past strengthen the weariest of hearts. A love of learning guides your every step, and illuminates the way for you and those who listen to your advice.

Treasure Hunter image

Treasure Hunter

The world has seen the passing of the glory of many Dwarven kings and Elven lords, and their heritage is now buried in Orc-infested dungeons. Hoards of stolen gold and jewels, guarded by fell beasts, beckon all who dare to find them. You seek to recover what is lost, even when it means braving unspeakable dangers.

Warden image


In this age of the world, when shadows grow deeper with every passing year, you have sworn to defend all who cannot defend themselves. Often, your choice forces you to forsake civilized areas, to better guard their inhabitants from what lurks right outside their fences. This has made you a stranger in the eyes of the common folk, a threatening figure like those you are protecting them from.

Free League Publishing
Free League Publishing

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