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Old-School Essentials

Old-School Essentials

Old-School Essentials is an award-winning role-playing game of fantastic adventure, monsters, and magic. Players delve into forbidden crypts and forsaken ruins, explore haunted forests and perilous mountain ranges, sail the high seas in search of lost lands, recover fabulous treasures, and unearth secrets of ancient magic.

Originally created by Gavin Norman


6-8 Characters
d20 System



Release Date


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How to play Old-School Essentials

Light, easily modified rules put the focus of play on shared imagination, improvisation, and fun. The game's core rules cover the essentials of fantasy gaming: delving into dungeons, exploring the wilderness, voyaging across the seas, and founding strongholds.

Online Old-School Essentials campaigns

Old-School Essentials Dungeon Masters

Voice Actor

4 years on StartPlaying

1256 games hosted

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

4 years on StartPlaying

545 games hosted

DMs Guild Writer

3 years on StartPlaying

1147 games hosted

Published Writer

3 years on StartPlaying

497 games hosted

4 years on StartPlaying

98 games hosted

Published Writer
Game Designer

4 years on StartPlaying

126 games hosted

Published Writer

1 year on StartPlaying

240 games hosted

Average response time: 2 hours

Response rate: 100%

1 year on StartPlaying

278 games hosted

Frequently asked questions about Old-School Essentials

Explore Old-School Essentials Classes


Clerics are adventurers who have sworn to serve a deity. They are trained for battle and channel the power of their deity.


Fighters are adventurers dedicated to mastering the arts of combat and war. In a group of adventurers, the role of fighters is to battle monsters and to defend other characters.


Magic-users are adventurers whose study of arcane secrets has taught them how to cast spells. Magic-users are able to cast a greater number of increasingly powerful spells as they advance in level.


Thieves are adventurers who live by their skills of deception and stealth. Their range of unique skills makes them very handy companions in adventures. However, thieves are not always to be trusted.


Dwarves are known for their stubbornness and practicality. They are a hardy people and have a strong resistance to magic, as reflected in their saving throws.


Elves are seldom met in human settlements, preferring to feast and make merry in the woods. If crossed, they are dangerous enemies, as they are masters of both sword and spell. Elves are fascinated by spells and beautifully constructed magic items, and love to collect both.


Halflings are a friendly and welcoming folk. Above all, they love the comforts of home, and are not known for their bravery. Halflings who gain treasure through adventuring will often use their wealth in pursuit of a quiet, comfortable life.

Virtual table tops for Old-School Essentials (VTTs)

Necrotic Gnome
Necrotic Gnome

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