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Leopoldo "Leovor" Rueda
Published Writer

1 year on StartPlaying

175 games hosted

Highly rated for: Sets the Mood, Storytelling, Teacher

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

About me

Hello, you can just call me Leo. I have been playing (mostly running) TTRPG for more than 23 years, I'm what you could call "forever GM" I came"late" in life to TTRPG as I was in my early 20s when me and my friends decided to buy the AD&D 2nd edition starter box, just months before the release of D&D 3.0, which I adopted at launch as being myself new and it being the new thing. I owned pretty much everything about it and ran games for a couple of years, before being introduced to Call of Cthulhu, and then started almost exclusively running games for that system, but also experimented with Shadowrun one of my favorite settings, and at some point tried to run World of Darkness games but didnt feel like they were my thing to run (but I did play The Masquerade for quite a bit with a wonderful Storyteller I met). Currently I run Pathfinder 2E, Call of Cthulhu, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Old School Essentials and Cyberpunk RED. I love TTRPGs and i'm always looking to expand the games, Horror and OSR mostly. I'm bilingüal my native language is spanish but can run games in both English and Spanish, I was born in Venezuela, currently living in Chile. Having to leave my country to start over gain forced me to take a loooong break from TTRPG but became familiar with VTTs during the pandemic and started running games again, I currently have a couple of regular group of friends I met online from USA and the UK, another group from Spain. I'm also a published writer as I have three Call of Cthulhu scenarios published in the Miskatonic Repository at DrivethruRPG. I welcome everyone at my table, the only requisite is wanting to have fun and respect for everyone at the table. If you are new to TTRPGS or to a particular system is my job to worry about rules and teach you, yours is to have fun and together weave a memorable story. I love running TTRPGs and I aim to do this for a living so in order to offer the best experience, besides my long time expertise, my games include maps, handouts, music, all done on Fantasy Grounds Unity (which I have an Ultimate license for) and I use Discord for voice comms. Also I use Syrinscape and my Discord Audio Bot for ambience and music. Voicemod Pro is used for those times where my voice needs an extra oomph. All this to offer my players the best experience I can. I offer a session zero to talk to the players and set up expectations about the game, also players can reach to me before or after a session to talk about any issues and I will make the necessary adjustments. If you want to see me running games, check my links below I have uploaded several games I run with my regular crew, sadly don't have the time to record, edit and upload regularly my games, but there is enough for you to see me "in action". Just Check the Horror on the Orient Express playlist or the Call of Cthulhu One Shots playlist. See you at the table!

GM style

I'm more of a OSR guy, I like the unpredictability of dice rolls and see where it takes the story. That said I also like roleplay so, while I won't hand wave dice rolls even if you do good roleplay if failure is possible and will have consequences, I will definitely give you bonuses for good roleplaying, Example: Even if you come up with a great performance to charm the bartender at the speakeasy, you still have to roll Charm. Of course your roleplaying can give you bonus dice to the roll, but failure is always an option.On the contrary if there is a clue sitting on the drawer of a desk, I won't make you roll Spot Hidden if you tell me that you are opening and searching the drawer, but if you tell me "I look around the office for clues" then a roll is required. In combat I do both tactical encounters with maps and tokens, and Theather of the Mind, depending on the rules systems used, I treat combat very differentl in say Call of Cthulhu than Pathfinder 2E for example. Also I hate just describing combat as "The zombie tries to bite you but you succeed dodging it" I go more like " As the zombie tries to bite you, you just move out of the way in time before it grabs you" or instead " The Deep One attacks and hits, you lose 2 hp" is more like "The fishman claws at you, you raise your arms to defend yourself and he opens a gash along your forearm. You lose 2 hp" Overall I'm pretty easy going, my main goal is fun for everybody and craft a memorable story along the players and their actions. Also I like to teach new people so I always welcome them and tell them not to worry about not knowing the rules, just tell me what do you want your character to do and I will tell you how to do it.


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