The Assassination of Count Viccan, Crime Lord: LVL 7 Homebrew One Shot!

The Assassination of Count Viccan, Crime Lord: LVL 7 Homebrew One Shot!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

You find yourself on a wagon driven by a mysterious Dwarf, your benefactor, he says his name is Draff. You're unsure whether to believe him or not, because this story he tells is quite unbelievable. Count Viccan is real. Not everyone has heard the name, but those that have know one thing...He was supposed to be a story, a myth. A boogeyman man of crime, so entwined in every criminal underbelly he knows or orchestrates almost every major act of crime in all of Pangere(the name of the continent). He's not meant to be real though! Most know him only as a scary story of the criminal underworld, or a legend to aspire to...if you're of a more unsavory type. How could one man be so powerful? So hidden? So unknown? Well Draff knows, or at least has convinced you he has. Draff not only knows he's real, he knows where he lives! Viccan's living in Serona of all places?! It's a well known seaside resort of the rich and powerful. Sounds like a lovely place to retire to, but how can one man hide in such a place? With so many different folks traveling to & fro year round. Oh well, a place is a place just as any to do the task laid out before you. Besides, it's nice to visit such a locale at someone else's accommodation. It's supposedly the most beautiful town anyone has ever seen. Now your motivation for being in this wagon is your own, be you good or evil, Draff has gotten you onboard thus far. Viccan has to be taken out of the picture. Maybe Draff leaned on your heroic nature, that with one blow crime can suffer loses, the likes of which history hasn't seen. Or is it the treasure hunter in you? The greatest criminal mastermind of all time, would surely have to have the greatest treasure vault of all time! Could it be he elicited the scoundrel in you, take out the kingpin, and your own position rises! One way or another you've come along for the ride. Sitting in this wagon with the others in the group that Draff has formed. You all do the leg work, he provides Intel and what you need to succeed. Split the take 50/50! Join me for this fun One Shot, and let's see what stories we can tell!

1 year on StartPlaying

3 games hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, World Builder, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

No camera is necessary, but I do need a mic to hear you at least. Also Discord, I have a server that the game will be hosted from. A base understanding of the rules is always good. If you feel you don't have that, no worries, message me before hand & I can give you an intro to D&D session before the game! I do need a copy of all character sheets(with as much backstory as you can) before the session as well, just so we all are on the same page. No software is necessary, I have a separate Webcam for the battle map which has 3d printed scenery and minis for all the characters. If you don't have dice, no worries I'll roll for you, but feel free to use your own. We follow to honor system, so embrace those Nat 1s & stories that follow them! If you have any questions at all, comments or concerns feel free to message me before hand! This One Shot breaks down into to halves a research/supply first half that is great for everyone to get to know each other. Then the back half is almost constant action. Now action might not mean combat, if you're sneaky, quick of tongue, or clever as a cat...who knows you may avoid combat. If you're all about that Barbarian life style though, you'll surely find it. This One Shot is designed to be played, however you want it. You'll just have to see it and find out!

What I provide

I'm bringing all the goodies! Entire scenarios & environments with 3d printed & hand painted miniatures! All done by yours truly! Presented over webcam on Discord. This is my art & I love sharing it with people! It looks pretty good & it beats the mat with drawings/tokens. But if you've ever wanted to play on a fully made Battle Map, this game is for you! Oh, and you bet your bottom dollar I do character voices! I make the sound effect noises! I've got the background music! I love getting descriptive with the environment & I'm not afraid to dive deep into the lore! This whole game takes place in a game world I've been building for a few years now! Almost all my games take place in it so it has some history, and I'm always looking to add more! Also I believe the world should be character driven, so everything has infinite solutions. I never just have one way to do a thing, the world is your playground! That being said you may go through one series rooms over another, or decide to sneak past all encounters. So I can't say it'll be puzzle heavy or combat heavy. You'll decide that. Also I'm a big fan of old school video games, and thus there is a trove of hidden characters, puzzles, bosses, and things to find. To this day not everything has been found!

Gameplay details

With a title like the Assassination of Count Viccan, you'd be right in assuming this is targeted at the more mature audience. The content warnings are a good approximation of what's to happen, not all of them do happen, but they certainly have before. Some of them always do, and I won't spoil the story by saying which. So be warned. I keep it light on the safety tools because I prefer open discussion, if there's something we should know before hand please let us know, or speak to me privately! You wont be prosecuted for speaking your mind. Other then that, I don't want to draw attention to anyone. Know, that nothing I do is gratuitous and all issues are handled in a tasteful manner. If a player takes things places they shouldn't be, we'll redirect. I also have a debrief after all my sessions in the form a casual chat. Where we discuss the game, things we liked, player moments we enjoyed, and if need be discussing or venting issues that arose. Other then that, let's make a fun tale together, and I can't wait to be a part of it!

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Open Door
How will character creation work

All players should have a level 7 character that follows all rules laid out in character creation in the players handbook(point buy system) before the session starts. However! I've got a fancy rule, no matter race or class all player characters start with a feat at lvl 1. It's a fun little house rule I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with. Also, give yourself one +1 weapon of your choice, and upgrade your armor accordingly i.e. leather to studded leather. Now, I'm not saying give yourself +3 Adamantium Plate, just the standard nonmagic stuff. If you're unsure, just ask. Other then that, feel more than free to pull from all the source books made by wizards of the coast for 5e! If you need help at all, or have questions, feel free to ask at any time! Especially if this is your first game! It is no bother at all.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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