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Dev Alva

Dev Alva (they/them)




4 years on StartPlaying

1366 games hosted

Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Creativity, Inclusive

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 86%

About me

Hello, I’m Dev! I’ve been a DM for seven years now, running both long term campaigns and one shots. I am very passionate about creating an immersive online experience, with great maps, music, and sound effects. I’ve been running online games for many years now, and feel very confident in my techniques and creating a fun and awesome game. I love running epic combats, high tier play, and role playing. Right now I am only running DnD 5e 2014 rules.

GM Style

I love epic combats, interesting encounters, and role playing. My favorite part of Dnd is combats, with powerful adventurers fighting world destroying threats. I love creating challenging and long combats that can last around an hour. I am very descriptive and will take time to narrate how epic your character is being. I work best with moderate-experienced players.

Game platforms used
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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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