Hello and welcome to our first July 2024 TTRPG news round up! Those of you in the USA can finally relax as the last few fireworks (hopefully) are being popped off. Time to grab a nice cup of your favorite beverage, sit down, and find out what the tabletop rpg industry has been up to. 

Our top stories of the week are a Roll20 hack, the end of an era for a favorite DnD artist, a new gaming company, and nominations for the prestigious ENNIE awards. Let’s get rolling with the first story. 

Roll20 Hack May Have Exposed Personal Data

During the evening of June 29, Roll20 found that an administrative account was “compromised.” According to an official email sent to users on July 2, access to the compromised account was blocked within an hour. However, the same email admits that the hacker could use administrative tools during that time. This resulted in the possible exposure of “first and last name, email addresses, last known IP address, and the last 4 digits” of user credit cards for those who stored payment information. Roll20 does ensure users that passwords, physical addresses, and credit card numbers were not exposed. 

Hydro74 No Longer Designing DnD Alt Covers

Freelance designer and illustrator Hydro74 revealed that they are no longer working on covers for Dungeons & Dragons books. This was confirmed in a Twitter post where they shared their contributor copies of Vecna: Eve of Ruin. Hydro74 wrote that “this was my last book since they are changing direction, which is disappointing but freelance life!” Hydro74 designed many of the alternate covers for DnD 5E books that were sold exclusively in local game stores. Their designs, and their rarity, contributed much to making 5E books collector’s items. The “changing direction” presumably refers to an intended new style for DnD 2024

Play DnD With A Professional Dungeon Master Today! 

ENNIE Award 2024 Nominees Announced

En World has revealed the 2024 list of nominees for the ENNIE awards. Voting opens to the public on July 12 and will continue until July 21. The winners will be announced at Gen Con (home of the DnD stamps!) on August 2 during a livestreamed ceremony. Some notable nominees include Eat the Reich for its art and adventure, Kobolds Ate My Baby for Best Game, Pathfinder’s Tan Xia World Guide for setting, and Alien RPG’s Building Better Worlds for its maps. You can find the full list of nominees here.

Broken Door Entertainment Opens Up 

“After enough of the games industry's usual nonsense, we've decided to kick the door down.” That’s the bold first Tweet from a new game publisher on the block, Broken Door Entertainment. Created by Joshua M. Simons and Vee Mus'e, Broken Door’s first project will be a d6 dice pool game called Paragons. The feel is supposed to be that of superhero animated series like Teen Titans and Batman: the Animated Series. More information will come in the form of public playtests and an eventual Kickstarter. 

That wraps up this week’s batch of news! As always, thanks for reading and visiting StartPlaying. If you play any games this weekend, may your dice be kind.

Jul 5, 2024
Tabletop Gaming News