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Gather a crew of expert spacefarers, with a diverse set of origins and skills, get a ship and fly the stars! Starfinder is a tabletop roleplaying game, or TTRPG, of heroic science-fantasy adventure. Players take on the roles of fantasy creatures familiar or alien, and adopt one of over a dozen character classes with various skills and powers, from the battle-hardened Soldier and savvy Mechanic, to the space-wizard Mystic and stellar-powered Solarian! One player, the Game Master (GM) plays as the rest of the vast universe, including the player characters’ allies and opposition, and presents scenarios and obstacles for them to overcome. The players decide on a course of action using their characters’ skills, magic spells, or equipment—the only limit on what they can attempt is their imagination! Often, they’ll need to roll dice to find out whether they succeed or fail. But no matter what, the players’ choices result in a unique story of which they are both author and audience. For this reason, TTRPGs are often considered games of collaborative storytelling.

Originally created by Paizo


3–6 Players
D20 System


High Fantasy
Space Opera


Release Date


Starfinder Reviews (3)

See what other Game Masters and players are saying about Starfinder

David Lindsay avatar

David Lindsay

New review

Ran 237 sessions

As a player of D&D 3.5 for well over a decade, getting started with Starfinder felt natural. While many the rough edges have been ironed out, this system plays exactly like D&D 3.5 in nearly every way. What makes Starfinder truly shine is the lore and the flavor that Paizo injects into their worlds. As a result of a cosmic event called "the Gap" it's not necessary to know any Pathfinder lore going into this universe. There is one aspect of Starfinder that is divisive, the starship combat, but sourcebooks have added the option to transform starship encounters into narrative skill challenges. Paizo learned their lesson from the starships, and when they later released mech combat it was much more successful. Starfinder is the most vibrant and fleshed-out science fiction universe I've ever encountered in tabletop form, and it is my go-to system for cyberpunk hacking adventures or grand space operas.

(Nick Fotopoulos) Dungeon Master Adamantine avatar

(Nick Fotopoulos) Dungeon Master Adamantine

New review

This is what 3.5 spelljammer would have been. D&D in Space! High Fantasy Space Opera High Magic But there were no shields until a supplement so core rules were not as awesome, but that was fixed. 3 stars for not having shields in the first place. Would have been 4.

Chris avatar


Starfinder is typically referred to as Pathfinder in space. Paizo built upon the success of their game and answered the question “What about a good Science Fiction styled game?”. The first edition used an update of Pathfinder’s first edition ruleset while adding classes that could utilize psionic energy to make weapons, races that were anything from normal humans, to insects, to bits of goo with plenty of intellect and self awareness. The setting that they created was filled with worlds that were varied and interesting, and the storyline created added so much lore to dive into. With the updated 2nd edition of Starfinder currently being playtested and prepared for release later this year, now is a perfect time to jump into this system. The rules updates bring it to match PF2E and the cross compatibility between the two games rules, options, and more make it so that even as the system is still new, there are plenty of options you can pull in to make the character you want. The playtest version of 2e has been going strong for months now, and Paizo has a reputation for listening to feedback and releasing an amazing finished product. Even in its playtest form, there are plenty of classes, species, and options to choose. The setting is still just as interesting, and it builds on the events from the previous adventures designed for first edition. When it comes to battling in vehicles, the system struggles a bit to figure out a way to do it that is both simple and exciting, but this same weakness is a point of focus for 2e’s eventual release. For Game Masters, I think this is a great option to introduce to players looking to shift from pure fantasy to an interesting science fiction setting. The adventure modules created fit multiple play style preferences, and the amount of creatures both monstrous and alien can inspire you in directions you might have otherwise never thought about. I would suggest Starfinder for those familiar with the Pathfinder and DnD systems but with a desire to take the swords and shields and shift them to lasers and starships. With the playtest ongoing, it also gives you the chance to directly influence how this game’s final version turns out.

How to play Starfinder

Starfinder’s core mechanic is rolling a 20-sided die, adding any bonuses or modifiers from a character’s skills, and comparing the result to a target number to determine if a given action succeeds or fails. A character’s abilities come from a combination of their ancestry, class, attributes, and training, all of which players can fully customize from a sprawling selection of options. Starfinder also contains robust rules for fighting monsters and other adversaries, shipbuilding, ship combat, spacefaring adventure, and landing planetside to explore alien locales.

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Starfinder map makers

Damien Mammoliti

Damien Mammoliti is a renowned cartographer and illustrator specializing in science-fantasy settings. He has significantly contributed to the Starfinder role-playing game by creating detailed Flip-Mats that enhance gameplay. Notable works include the "Urban Sprawl Flip-Mat," depicting futuristic cityscapes, and the "Living Starships Flip-Mat," featuring plant-based and bio-engineered starships.

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Czepeku creates high-quality sci-fi maps, many of which are perfect for Starfinder campaigns. They offer both free and paid content through their Patreon, including starships, space stations, and alien environments.

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Starfinder community artists

Remko Troost

Remko Troost, also known as Okmer, is a concept artist and illustrator renowned for his work on the Assassin's Creed series. He has created cover and interior art for multiple Starfinder publications, including the Core Rulebook and Alien Archive series.

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Graey Erb

Remko Troost, also known as Okmer, is a concept artist and illustrator renowned for his work on the Assassin's Creed series. He has created cover and interior art for multiple Starfinder publications, including the Core Rulebook and Alien Archive series.

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Graey Erb

Graey Erb is an illustrator and concept artist who has contributed to Starfinder with character illustrations and concept art, enriching the game's diverse universe.

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Pixoloid Studios

Pixoloid Studios is a collective of artists who have worked on various Starfinder projects, providing illustrations that expand the game's visual world with characters, vehicles, props, and environments.

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Jason Juta

Jason Juta is an illustrator and concept artist whose work includes character illustrations and concept art for Starfinder, contributing to the game's rich visual storytelling.

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Frequently asked questions about Starfinder

Explore Starfinder Classes

Envoy  image


Take on a little of that Han Solo energy by making it up as you go along. The Envoy distracts enemies and pep talks allies in turn. Pick this class if you want to be the biggest help outside of combat.

Mystic image


Classic fantasy magic is very much a thing in Stafinder, and the Mystic gives you command over it. Depending on what type of magic origin you choose, you can manipulate social encounters, be a life-saving healer, or destroy foes with raw power.

Nanocyte image


Your control of nanobots allows you to determine your path with this versatile class. In combat they can crowd enemies with sheer numbers and shield you from harm. They can also play a more supportive role by enhancing your form or healing allies.

Operative  image


Why rely on technology or magic when you can just beat your enemies repeatedly? Operatives specialize in dealing huge damage and can attack multiple times in a single go. You can also kit them out with maneuvers that add to your bag of tricks.

Precog image


With the ability to affect time in small ways, you can alter dice rolls to save allies or doom enemies. It’s a really cool way to flavor a protection-based support class. But you’re not totally helpless on your own, as Precogs do have weapon skills.

Solarion image


Wield the foundational forces of the cosmos as weapons by playing the Starfinder Solarion. You can create your own weapons or armor from cosmic energy or affect gravity. Other abilities allow you to tap into light and electricity to harm your foes.

Soldier  image


A basic class but a solid one. The Soldier obviously specializes in combat by giving you multiple weapons and abilities tied to damage dealing. However, you also have plenty of room to pick feats to enhance your stealth, social, or navigation skills.

Technomancer image


In a world where there’s magic and sci-fi tech, why not use both? The Technomancer has plenty of spells that cause damage, but can also use their magic to summon weapons and hack machinery.

Witchwarper  image


Connect with the multiverse to change outcomes in your own world. This reality-altering power gives you the means to reshape the battlefield. You can stop enemies from unleashing their most deadly powers or create advantages for your team.

Biohacker  image


Do you know that humans don’t use their full brain capacity? Even if Limitless logic doesn’t pan out in the real world, the Biohacker class lets you live that dream. Boost your own skills through experimentation and develop injections to strengthen your allies.

Mechanic image


A tech wizard is indispensable in a sci-fi setting, and you’ll enjoy all the perks of that as a Starfinder Mechanic. Technology is your friend in combat, and you can even make a drone to fight by your side. Outside of battle, you’re great at repairs and a computer expert.

Vanguard  image


As the name implies, the Starfinder Vanguard puts you right at the front lines of combat. Being a melee combatant in a world of guns and magic might seem risky, but you can use abilities that both protect you and devastate your enemies.

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