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Star Wars : Age of Rebellion : Beginners Game

Star Wars : Age of Rebellion : Beginners Game

Star Wars RPG by Fantasy Flight Games | Campaign

About the adventure

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion is a narrative based system that focuses more on storytelling and social encounters than crunching numbers. Immerse yourself in the Star Wars universe where you get to leave your footprint in the Star Wars galaxy!

Recruiting notes

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... Takeover at Whisper Base: War rages across the galaxy. Both the brutal Galactic Empire and the desperate Rebel Alliance reel in the face of terrible losses. Though Rebel forces managed to destroy the superweapon called the Death Star, their victory did not come in time to save the world of Alderaan. Fear and uncertainty swell in the galactic community. Now, one small battle begins on the verdant world of Onderon. Deep in the jungle, Rebell intelligence has discovered a listening post built by Moff Dardano to spy on his rival, Admiral Corlen. The Rebel Alliance has sent a crack team of infiltrators to take the secret listening post and turn it into a forward Rebel base in the Japrael system. After hours of slogging through the dense jungle, with its poisonous foliage and oppressive heat, the heroes have reached their destination: Whisper Base. Compared to staying in the jungle, the prospect of ambushing an Imperial patrol and breaking into a heavily guarded base seems almost pleasant...



Voice Actor

2 years on StartPlaying

10 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Teacher

Average response time: 24+ hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

Come prepared with an open mind and a desire to learn and be ready for your own Star Wars adventure.

What I provide

These sessions will be mostly theatre of mind, I can provide some visual aid to assist in the storytelling. Core Rulebook and character sheets will be provided. Session zero for character creation is free for the first session as it is a process to complete. I will provide a discord channel for a direct line of communication and to facilitate a meeting point for the session. I will also be providing various voices, both my own and voice mods to enhance the experience.

Gameplay details Please fill out the form for any pertinent information I need to be aware of and send it to me once it's finished.

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Lines and Veils

Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Open Door

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

How will character creation work

Character creation takes place at session 0 and I will go over playable races and classes to facilitate the narrative of the story. We will be using a virtual dice table for rolls and character sheet creation known as RPG Sessions and go through a short rp session to introduce characters.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

Above VTT


D&D Beyond Maps

Foundry VTT

Owlbear Rodeo


RPG Sessions

Theater of the Mind


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Tuesday - 7:30 PM UTC

2-3 Hour duration

0 / 5 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 3 players have joined