GDQ 1-7 Scourge of the Slave Lords, Against the Giants & Queen of the Spiders Super-module *weekly game* \\NEW PLAYERS WELCOME//\\friendly to all//

GDQ 1-7 Scourge of the Slave Lords, Against the Giants & Queen of the Spiders Super-module *weekly game* \\NEW PLAYERS WELCOME//\\friendly to all//

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Fantasy Grounds, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session


About the adventure

" adventure to challenge the bold..." Screams echo in the night, and the charred remnants of a village are mute by day...The slavers have struck again! Slaver raids scour the countryside, leaving death and destruction in their wake. Daring adventurers strike into the heartland of the foe to harry the villains and bring retribution and justice to the land! Hi. This is a conversion I made of the original 2e super module, and it is generally regarded to be one of the best campaigns ever written. PLEASE don't be intimidated by fantasy grounds, noobs are welcome (d&d and fantasy grounds noobs), and I'll soon get you up to speed. All you need is the free demo account and to be able to log in, plus discord for voice. I don't use video as it saves bandwith. Besides, it means you can go and make a cup of tea while its someone else's turn, just be sure to be ready when its your go. It'll be a good game, I spent a lot of time doing line of sight on maps and creating a high quality gaming experience. Unlike the original campaign I've set this in the forgotten realms, and I've added a few cool things. Try 1 session for free then decide if you want to stay on for longer or not. Sign up and I'll set it to a free game for your first session.

3 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Visual Aid

Additional Details

How to prepare

You will need a headset, a working discord account and know how to use both. Set it to push to talk. Then you need a fantasy grounds demo account. Set one up and I'll talk you through how to join the game over discord before the game if you need help. I have the players handbook and most of the published stuff that you can read / use in-game once you log on, so you don't even need a players handbook (but it'll help). I'll walk you through how to open books and read them in fantasy grounds if you're a noob. No pressure, that's what session zeros are for. When we play for real I can make rolls and do everything else for you until you pick it up, just describe what you want to do. FG and D&D pros are welcome too!

What I provide

Over the last 10 years I have hosted over 500 games on Fantasy Grounds and Fantasy Grounds Unity. This will be a crunchy game with plenty of opportunities for roleplaying along the way. Locked grids on maps for combat, I have a soundboard, and all of my maps and images are sourced from high quality sources like Patreon with line of sight set up on every map. I spend a lot of time working on making it a high quality game. I'm prepped, and I don't cancel games unless im in hospital. I have ran many campaigns to completion and I know fantasy grounds well (check out my profile on the FG forums). I have the ultimate licence so you don't pay a penny unless you want to pay for the fancy dice. Just log into the demo account and join my game, which I'll explain how to do over discord. Session zero will be a fantasy grounds crash course (its easy), character creation, and a chat about what's going to be in the game (themes etc). I also use discord for debriefs, planning, and general game chat. I wont chop and change the game times either. 2 or 3 weeks and you'll be up to speed with fantasy grounds. I can do everything for you until you pick it up.

Gameplay details

This campaign contains adult themes, there may be character death. I have a code of conduct and expectations which I will go over at the start of each game and if you have any issues contact me privately or on the group discord to discuss anything. I'm fairly experienced. Saying that, this IS Scourge of the Slave Lords so please don't join if you aren't going to get into the spirit of the game.

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Aftercare

  • Breaks

  • Debriefing

  • Lines and Veils

  • Session 0

How will character creation work

Session zero we make characters, roll 4 d6 drop the lowest, standard spread or point buy are all fine. Happy for you to use anything from published wotc books. No unearthed arcana or homebrew races or classes. You can create group synergy between yourselves, I'm happy to run with a group of bards.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium

  • Roleplay: Medium

  • Puzzles: Medium

  • Experience Level: Beginner

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