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Forbidden Lands

Forbidden Lands

Forbidden Lands is a new take on classic fantasy roleplaying. In this sandbox survival roleplaying game, you’re not heroes sent on missions dictated by others – instead, you are raiders and rogues bent on making your own mark on a cursed world. You will discover lost tombs, fight terrible monsters, wander the wild lands, and if you live long enough, build your own stronghold to defend.

Originally created by Tomas Härenstam


2-6 Players
D6 System



Release Date


Forbidden Lands Reviews (6)

See what other Game Masters and players are saying about Forbidden Lands

David | The avidDM avatar

David | The avidDM

New review

I had a good time playing this game. There was a sense of isolation that made the adventure feel like it was the party versus the world. The story that unfolded was compelling and kept everyone interested. The mechanics were easy to learn as well.

GM Khitan avatar

GM Khitan

New review

Forbidden Lands is a weird one for me. It's from Free League (and I am a big fan of Free League), using they Year Zero System, which is a great system. It's easy, intuitive, and has a great flow. In this particular game, the few modifications to the system are meant to evoke not only the danger of the setting, but also to help players immerse into the survival feel. You don't just go from dungeon to dungeon killing monster, you actually have to get there first, and the rules do a very good job in making survival (make camp, hunt, forage, fish, etc...) a very important part of the game, while keeping it quick and easy. Combat is fast and deadly, magic actually means something, and in general it's a pleasure to run and play. On the other side I find two very big drawbacks: 1- The setting is interesting, very dark and grim, but it presents a lot of problematic concepts. While with certain groups talking about abuse, slavery, racism, and similar topic might be ok, with others it could become problematic very quickly. And while having a conversation about it during session 0 would certainly help, some parts of the setting are hard to modify to account for different sensibilities. 2- The adventures for it are... lackluster. They have good stories, interesting ideas, but then the GMs are basically left on their own. Their style of "location based adventure" leaves a lot of work to the GM, since the locations themselves (or at least most of them) are not really fleshed out that much. All in all, I think Forbidden Lands is a good game, with some problems that make it harder to run, but definitely fun to play for players looking to that old school, survival feel, while still using modern, slick mechanics.

George avatar


New review

Played 15 sessions

What Forbidden Lands does, it does really well. It offers an old school exploration-based experience with a very modern, sleek, design. The main innovation, for me, is that the system has a built in way to "reward" failure that incentivises players to make bold and risky choices. The world of Forbidden Lands is filled with unique twists on fantasy tropes, and the way they are gradually revealed to the players through play is absolutely delightful. The fresh new take on goblin lore, in particular, is both ridiculous and terrifying. As a GM, what I enjoyed the most is that the system is capable of keeping /me/ as surprised and engaged as the players. It's also a relatively low prep system, as long as you feel comfortable with that.

Adi avatar


New review

Ran 2 sessions

This game is one of a kind. A pure old-school fantasy setting, with a rich lore and geography. But a game system that tailors the unfolding of that lore and world in a very smooth and progressive way; no lore-dump but exploration and step by step discovery due to built-in mechanics centered around survival, travel and encounters. The Year Zero Engine adapted for this game works perfectly well, no crunch but enough dynamism to make it interactive. The tone and pace of the game is dark but entertaining at the same time. Great fro all generations of gamers, there is something quite universal and rooted about that game.

Ted Brockwood avatar

Ted Brockwood

New review

Do you like throwing huge handfuls of dice? Do you like a game where danger could be around every corner? Then definitely give Forbidden Lands a try. Using the original Year Zero game engine means you'll be throwing tons of dice on some actions, but the results are easy to interpret. Get just one 6 in that pile of dice, and you've succeeded. Didn't get any 6s? Then you can opt to push the roll, but you might suffer damage to your PC or their equipment & weapons if you do! The world itself is pretty standard Free League — it's a post-apocalypse, and now it's time to get out and explore the recovering world. Will you encounter other cultures, tribes, and towns? Or weird monsters and weirder lairs? It's all up to the rolls the GM gets on the exploration tables! And don't forget - you need to eat, drink, and rest, so survival fans will find a lot to enjoy with FL.

Moses avatar


New review

Forbidden Lands is an awesome TTRPG for players who love a gritty, old-school vibe with a modern twist. One major pro is the open-world sandbox style—players get to explore, build strongholds, and really shape the world through their choices, which is super rewarding. The survival mechanics and resource management also add a great sense of danger and realism. On the flip side, the game’s focus on hex-crawling and exploration might not appeal to groups who prefer more structured narratives. Plus, the system’s brutal combat can feel punishing, especially for players not used to that level of lethality. Still, if you’re into player-driven storytelling with a harsh but rewarding world, Forbidden Lands totally delivers.

How to Play Forbidden Lands

World of Game Design walks you through everything you need to know about how to play Forbidden Lands, including game play, how to make a character, and how combat works.

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Druid image


Ever since the god Clay shaped the world, you and the brothers and sisters of your order have been tasked with safeguarding nature. You maintain the balance of the world. Your hand can be gentle or cruel, depending on what the situation requires, but you always act with respect and exercise judgment. You hold the forces of nature in your hands – the earth, the weather, the plants and the animals all listen to your voice. You are a Druid.

Fighter image


You have followed the way of the sword as long as you can remember. Wiped the blood of countless enemies from your blade. Felt many wounds heal into ugly scars on your body. You fear battle, yet you yearn for it. The battle is your life. Your task is to protect your weaker friends from all enemies and you take that task very seriously – but the truth is, you live for the thrill of battle itself. When the fight is over, you clean your blade and get ready for the next fray. You are a Fighter.

Hunter image


The wild lands are your home. In the forests and the mountains, on the open plains and by the winding rivers – that’s where you find inner peace. People say that the wilds are dangerous, that they are evil. Granted, you have seen the monsters that roam the lands. But you know how to move unseen and unheard, and to kill effectively if you need to. And when you bring home your prey to the camp and it’s time to eat, no one is complaining. You are a Hunter.

Minstrel image


When the road is long, when the wind is fierce or the night is black, everyone needs a light in the darkness. A reminder of past deeds or treasures waiting to be found. Whether through song, poetry or prose, it’s your job to spread a little hope and joy by the campfire. You have the ability to chase away despair and inject courage and hope into the hearts of your friends. And if you should all one day meet your final fate, your chronicles will let the world know of your adventures. You are a Minstrel.

Peddler image


Bargaining, buying for little and selling for more, turning two silvers into three, has always been your way to survive. While the Blood Mist lay thick across the lands, trade between the villages was limited and very local. Now, the mist has lifted, and the Forbidden Lands and its treasures are yours for the taking or buying, then selling to the highest bidder. You are a Peddler.

Rider image


The legends say that the animals in ancient time mocked the humans for having only two legs. For that reason, your ancestors allied themselves with the horses on the great plains. Now, you have six legs together and hands to wield spear and bow. You ride faster than anyone, you strike, and you are gone before the enemy has realized what happened. You love the open plains as the fiery blood of Aslene runs through your veins. You are a Rider.

Rogue image


No one will ever give you what you wish for. To get what you want, you will have to take it for yourself. This is a lesson that you learned at a young age, and already as a child you became very skilled at liberating others from belongings that you needed more. Before, people used to spit at you and kick you. Now, as an adventurer with the Forbidden Lands at your feet, your expertise in the arts of moving silently in the shadows has become highly sought after. You are a Rogue.

Sorcerer image


Let them stare at you in fear and disgust. Let them shy away from you, afraid that your dark arts will infect them. They fear you, but they need you. Who else can force nature itself to bend to their will? Who else can make fire roar, water freeze and the earth shake? You, and only you, have seen what is beyond the veils of the world and stared into the inner core of existence. This insight is your burden to bear, so that others don’t have to. You are a Sorcerer

Virtual table tops for Forbidden Lands (VTTs)

Forbidden Lands Core Boxed Set
Forbidden Lands Core Boxed Set

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