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Mörk Borg

Mörk Borg

MÖRK BORG is a pitch-black apocalyptic fantasy RPG about lost souls and fools seeking redemption, forgiveness or the last remaining riches in a bleak and dying world. Who are you? The tomb-robber with silver glittering between cracked fingernails? The mystic who would bend the world’s heart away from it’s inevitable end? Confront power-draining necromancers, skulking skeletal warriors and backstabbing wickheads. Wander the Valley of the Unfortunate Undead, the catacombs beneath the Bergen Chrypt or the bedevilled Sarkash forest. But leave hope behind – the world’s cruel fate is sealed, and all your vain heroic efforts are destined to end in death and dismay. Or are they?

Originally created by Pelle Nilsson, Johan Nohr


3-6 Players
D20 System


Gritty Fantasy

Release Date


Mörk Borg Reviews (7)

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Deirdre Ceridwen avatar

Deirdre Ceridwen

New review

What can be said about MoRK BORK except it's absolutely bonkers! It's very punk, meets death metal, meets old school D&D! There's just enough of a built-in setting to be intriguing and fascinating but SO VERY open to all kinds of ideas! The rules are fast and feature "rule of cool." The system is great for any manner of play styles (except for super-crunchy). It's dark, it's gritty, it's psychotic! It's really simply great fun with the potential for incredibly zany and possibly disgusting game stories!

Shatargat avatar


New review

Ran 18 sessions

This game is a black-metal-masterpiece for dark fantasy! Rules are few and easy to learn, playing it needs some guts and will! But I have to warn you, don't stick with your randomly created character too much. They will die eventually. Sometimes, faster than you think.

Game Master Teague avatar

Game Master Teague

New review

A rules-lite system that has a dark cruel world as a background! Such a fun game with many itterations.

GM Khitan avatar

GM Khitan

New review

Mörk Borg is great, simply great! But it's also not for everyone. The main selling point, for me, was the art. The book is GORGEOUS. But then, when you start reading it, you start to feel the creativity not only in the editing and art, but in the writing itself. Every sentence is chocked full of inspiration and wherever you lay your eyes, you find more inspiration. The system is a bit lacking to be honest. It's incredibly barebones, with very few rules and almost zero tactical depth. And yet it does what it sets out to do: pushing the players into an apocalyptic world, pitting them against horrible things (not just the monsters), and telling them "go on: survive if you can". And as simple as it is, it's great. Easy to pick up an learn, you can go slaughtering and adventuring in 15 minutes, character creation included. The doom-metal inspired, apocalyptic setting might not be for everyone though, like the very simplistic system.

DuChampion (JJ) avatar

DuChampion (JJ)

New review

Welcome to MÖRK BORG, where the world is dying, you are useless, and everything is either on fire, cursed, or actively trying to kill you. This game is what happens when a metal album cover, a medieval manuscript, and a fever dream have a baby and raise it on black coffee, regret, and the sound of chains dragging across a dungeon floor. Character creation? Roll some dice and accept your fate. Survival? Unlikely. The world? It’s ending, and you can’t stop it—just try to die interestingly. Pros: ✔ The most metal RPG ever made—it’s like playing D&D while a skeleton shreds a guitar in the background. ✔ The book itself is an experience—half rules, half punk rock zine, all attitude. ✔ Fast, brutal gameplay—because who needs balance when the universe already hates you? Cons: ✘ If you like detailed mechanics, you are in the wrong, very dark place. ✘ Your character will die. Quickly. Repeatedly. The game expects it. ✘ Good luck reading some of these font choices without summoning a demon. Final Verdict: If you want grimdark doom metal fantasy where survival is a mistake, MÖRK BORG is the RPG for you. If you want deep storytelling, character progression, or a future that isn’t on fire, maybe go literally anywhere else. 10/10 - HAIL SATAN, ROLL LOW.

Adam avatar


New review

The world is dying and the end is nigh... Mörk Borg is a rules-lite NSR TTRPG, that uses D20 system that is player-facing: players roll to attack/defend/attempt anything. This is not heroic fantasy, PCs will likely die (and often) in horrific and humorous ways - good thing character creation is easy! Probably better suited to one-shots, or shorter campaigns, this game is quick and easy to get into. The aesthetic might not be to everyones tastes, but that's OK - there are many, many hacks and flavours of Mörk Borg out there!

Learn How to Play Mork Borg

Mörk Borg is a fantasy RPG, but not in the way you might think. It's set in a harsh world where the sun is dying, monstrous horrors roam, and humanity’s last days are counted in whispers of despair. The tone of Mörk Borg can be incredibly dark, but that lends the game to counterbalance with poignant moments of genuine emotion and connection.

Mörk Borg Dungeon Masters

Game Designer

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Response rate: 100%

Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

848 games hosted

Average response time: 4 hours

Response rate: 100%


3 years on StartPlaying

1201 games hosted

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Voice Actor

2 years on StartPlaying

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Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%


3 years on StartPlaying

808 games hosted

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

3 years on StartPlaying

654 games hosted

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Voice Actor

4 years on StartPlaying

170 games hosted

Average response time: 24+ hours

Response rate: 50%

DMs Guild Writer

3 years on StartPlaying

1160 games hosted

Frequently asked questions about Mörk Borg

Explore Mörk Borg Classes

Fanged Deserter image

Fanged Deserter

You have thirty or so friends who never let you down: YOUR TEETH. Disloyal, deranged or simply uncontrollable, any group that didn't boot you out you left anyway. But your parliament of teeth-enormous, protruding, thick and sharp—have always been your allies.

Gutterborn Scum image

Gutterborn Scum

An ill star smiled upon your birth. Poverty, crime and bad parenting didn't help either. In your community an honest day's work was never an option. Not that you ever tried, what are you, some kind of mug? A razor blade and a moonless night are worth a week of chump-work.

Esoteric Hermit image

Esoteric Hermit

The stone of your cave is one with the stars. Silence and perfection. Now the chaos of a fallen world disturbs your rituals and the caul of night grows blacker than your cavern's gloom. Irritating!

Wretched Royalty image

Wretched Royalty

Bowed down only by the memories of your own lost glory, you could never submit to anyone else. Not you, of noble blood! (Not that you expect any of these peons to understand the depths of your sorrow.)

Heretical Priest image

Heretical Priest

Hunted by the two-headed basilisks of the One True Faith, this heretic can be found raving in ruins, traipsing endlessly down dusty roads and desecrating cathedrals by night.

Occult Herbmaster image

Occult Herbmaster

Born of the mushroom, raised in the glade, watched by the eye of the moon in a silverblack pool.

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