Fallout: The Roleplaying Game
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game

How will you re-shape the world? Will you join with a plucky band of survivors to fight off all comers and carve out your own settlement? Will you team up with pre-existing factions like the Brotherhood of Steel or Super Mutants to enforce your own ideals on the wasteland? Ghoul or robot, paladin or raider, it’s your choice - and the consequences are yours. Create your own survivors, super mutants, ghouls, and even Mister Handy robots, and immerse yourselves in the iconic post-nuclear apocalyptic world, while gamemasters guide their group through unique Fallout stories. This 2d20 edition of Fallout is as close to the bottlecap-bartering, wasteland wandering, Brotherhood battling excitement of Fallout you can get.

Originally created by Nathan Dowdell, Donathin Frye, Sam Webb


2d20 System


Post Apocalyptic


Release Date

How to play Fallout: The Roleplaying Game

In Fallout: The Roleplaying Game, the Game Master comes up with the story and sets a challenge in front of the players. The players decide how they want to tackle the challenge, and if the players’ actions lead to an uncertain outcome, the dice must be rolled to decide. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game uses a 2d20 system, which means you roll two twenty sided dice and hope they are low numbers. Each number lower than whatever limit the Game Master sets counts as a success.

Frequently asked questions about Fallout: The Roleplaying Game

Explore Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Classes
Super Mutant image

Super Mutant

You are a brutal, mutated human, forced to evolve from thoughtless experiments by the twisted science of the pre- and post-war world. Infected with the Forced Evolutionary Virus (F. E.V.), your body has mutated into a tall, muscular killing machine, filled with a rage.

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Mister Handy

The General Atomics International robot “Mister Handy” exploded onto the robotic market as a reliable construction robot, known for its durability and ease of maintenance, but its real breakthrough came in a collaboration with RobCo to produce a domestic model. Many models exist, and you could come from any of the Mister Handy, Mister Gutsy, Miss Nanny, or Mister Orderly series. You are powered by a nuclear core, can replace your own fuel, and repair yourself or other Mister Handy units. Your model has three mechanical arms and three mechanical eyes on stalks, and your jet propulsion keeps you hovering above the ground, providing you have all the fuel you need. With this rugged design, you have survived so far.

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You are a “ghoul”—a necrotic post-human—one of many rag-tag survivors who weren’t lucky enough to get into a Vault-Tec facility. You may have been born after the war, and over time developed the necrotic mutation. You may have come from Vault 12 in Bakersfield, California, whose vault door did not close, exposing the population to the radiation from outside. You may have taken refuge in a ghoul settlement, like Underworld in the Capital Wasteland, and have ventured out recently to explore, scavenge, and survive.

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Brotherhood Initiate

Born from the terrible revelations of the Mariposa Rebellion, Roger Maxson formed the Brotherhood of Steel so that his people—and eventually the rest of the survivors in this new world—would have something to believe in. With its own mythology, creed, and hierarchy, the Brotherhood of Steel’s primary goal is the recovery and preservation of the technology of the pre-war world. With the Great War disrupting humanity’s access to technology, the Brotherhood’s knights and scribes do all they can to secure the technology of the past, for the needs of future generations. You may be a descendant of a knight or paladin, born into the Brotherhood and a firm believer of their doctrine, or you may be a new recruit, pledging yourself to their cause and looking to rise through their ranks.

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You are the living legacy of the people who prepared for Armageddon on their own. You are only alive in the post-nuclear apocalyptic landscape because your forebears dug in, survived, and found community enough to continue humanity’s existence. You could be from any number of settlements, isolated shelters, or traveling groups that sparsely populate the wasteland from West Coast to East Coast.

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Vault Dweller

When the bombs were falling, you or your predecessors were lucky enough to be safely secured in one of the one hundred and twenty-two Vault-Tec facilities, deep underground protected by thick blast doors and layers of rock and concrete. Your family either had enough money to buy their space or were randomly selected to enter the vault to be saved from the nuclear devastation above—perhaps only to be condemned to immoral experiments run by Vault-Tec on unwitting participants.

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