David | The avidDM (he/him)
4 years on StartPlaying
753 games hosted
Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Knows the Rules
Average response time: Under 1 hour
Response rate: 100%
About me
Hail and well met adventurers, Over the last couple years, I have met hundreds of incredible people around the virtual table. The stories we've shared have brought real-life joy, laughter, and a even a few tears into our lives. Many of these friends are still at the table today. They'll be quick to welcome you to and eager to hear your tales and experiences when you sit down to play. My road to becoming a professional Dungeon Master is a long and storied one that began with a few little fibs I used to tell as an extremely shy kid. When I met new people, I would tell them cowboy stories about adventures I had with my faithful steed. The more smiles I received, the longer the stories went on. Growing up in the Midwest region of the US, Dungeons & Dragons was all around me. I played in my neighborhood when my brother and his friends would let me. Later, he convinced the High School D&D club to let me come to the big table when I was still in Middle School. Fast Forward to 2016, I opened up the Lost Mines of Phandelver Box Set. After a 25 year hiatus from the hobby I loved, I sat down at the table with my kids and rediscovered the joy of Table Top Role-Playing Games. Like many others, the 2020 Pandemic lockdowns led me to an online game that quickly brought me to a joyous career of story-telling and playing games. The rest we say, is canon. Grab a seat, roll some dice, live the adventure, create epic stories, and make friends at the table. Hey, there's an open spot now! David, the avidDM
GM Style
▶️ Playstyle: While each table has it's own personality, I provide a home table experience for each one. Folks can look forward to friendly banter and spirited gameplay each week. I love to do NPC voicings and encourage players to engage in role-play. ⚔️ Combat: Encounters can be very challenging but are ran with pacing in mind. We stick mostly to rules-as-written and use automated character sheets to facilitate fluid battles. ⚖️ Balance: Social Interaction, Combat, and Exploration, the pillars of tabletop gaming, are represented in equal amounts over the course of a campaign. 📚 Complete Campaigns - name followed by number of times ran. Dragons of Stormwreck Isle - 4 Lost Mine of Phandelver - 6 The Sunless Citadel - 2 Ghosts of Slatmarsh - 1 Out of the Abyss - 1 Phandelver and Below - 2 Dragonlance: Shadow if the Dragon Queen - 3 Artwork and ads, AI statement: avidDM logos and "Nafas", thumbnail for The Infinite Staircase by: http://www.mdabaie.com/ "Lord Soth" for Dragonlance | Shadow of the Dragon Queen by: Dreams/James MK/ SPG Official Artwork is used by permission of the owners, including WOTC, MARVEL, ALIEN, Grim Press and others. Unless noted, all other artwork is cobbled together by me with photo-editing tools on befunky.com. Some published adventures contain images rendered by AI by the publisher,
Games played
Game platforms used
David | The avidDM's Games
Game Master Reviews (97)
Players say this GM is great at:
Knows the Rules
I've been a player in a half dozen or so different campaigns over the last two years at David's table on multiple nights a week. I am so grateful to have created incredible stories, participated in remarkable battles and made cherished memories in the worlds he brings to life. Playing with him has been the best decision I've made in the TTRPG hobby. He is a great ambassador to newer players, has an amazing community of good people and works tirelessly to provide an amazing experience every week.
I had an introductory D&D one shot with David using roll 20. He is a great GM to start this experience. Helps with tech problems before the session starts. Very inclusive, good grasp of the rules, immersive storytelling even if it was only a short adventure. We had a group of 5 people from 3 continents and he managed the session like a pro. I am very happy I started this journey with him
I have played a few Campaigns with David the avidDM and I find he is very good for beginners, super helpful if you don't understand some rules or even some things with your character. Keeps us on our toes and sets a good mood with music and voices. He keeps us all feeling good about the sessions and make sure we are all having fun!
I recently had the opportunity to play in one of his sessions, and it was a great experience. He clearly knows the rules thoroughly and applies them fairly. The encounters felt well-prepared and balanced, keeping everyone engaged and on their toes. If you’re looking for a Dungeon Master who puts in the effort to run a smooth, enjoyable game, he’s a solid choice.
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