The Great Library

The Great Library

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 6 to 7 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Intermediate

Price per player-session


About the adventure

A recent extract from a book titled: "The Old Gods and Their Ancient War" by Dulin Dunebreaker has started circulating around the world, a specific chapter that drew your attention to this very Dungeon. Chapter 6: The Great Library A strange building with a hidden entrance, this underground colossus seems to defy all laws of space. Despite only travelling down a few feet the ceiling of the area seems to stretch upwards far beyond the surface and take up massive amounts of space. My time here was brief as the library was quite hostile to my inspection. A faux entrance gives way to a great area of old knowledge. The explorer who came with me illuminated the way with the artefact he carried. Rows upon rows of book cases filled with everything from fiction novels to forbidden texts. Something I noticed was that despite the entrance seeking undisturbed for centuries, modern texts, books released as soon as a year ago, could be found on the shelves. I have yet to find an explanation for this. This library seems to be of Elven make with artwork and carvings depicting a strange deity, with some digging it seems to be the old symbology for the God of Fertility, only proving how old this place really is. There was more to this place however, I found an entrance to a further passage which held a strange ledger on a table. Finding no way to progress further I decided to leave. However, as I moved to the exit, I could hear movement behind me. Glancing back I saw a creature of black and red with inhuman proportions reaching through the wall. I fled like any rational man. Indecipherable descriptions littered the doorways from what I did explore. In the great library, I found several strange altars which seemed to be made to hold very specific and odd objects. One spherical, one ring shaped, one being a deep slit, one seemingly for a key, one for a gem or something of that shape and finally one in the shape of a hand with the middle finger missing. These descriptions seem to match some of the Artefacts of the Gods mentioned elsewhere in this journal. For that reason I believe that this is a sort of collection point for them. Potentially somewhere to channel their divine power. One would need to to gather said objects first however. As we left, a voice spoke out in a language I did not speak. The ground shook and we started to run. Within moments, the explorer was nowhere to be found. The Library collapsed in on itself, I was only moments ahead of the rubble. To anyone reading this with interest in excavating be site, be warned. Whatever is being kept there, it doesn’t want to be found.

Voice Actor
Game Designer

Less than a year on StartPlaying

2 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Sets the Mood, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

Webcams are not required but Microphones and a Discord Account are. The game can be hosted over a different calling service upon request. Players will need a Roll 20 account. Players will be creating their own characters but can be provided with a pre-generated character upon request.

What I provide

This game will be done through Roll 20, with a fully mapped out dungeon complete with dynamic lighting. As a DM, I enjoy using ambient music for conveying mood/tone and to keep things interesting during Combat. I enjoy doing character voices for NPCs but do not require that from my players. I deeply enjoy letting my players run away with their own ideas and try my best to avoid railroading wherever possible. I am a large advocate for the Rule of Cool provided it doesn't interfere with other players enjoyment of the game.

Gameplay details

Separately to the actual game, I would request that each player privately send me their Lines and Veils. I would then arrange a free Session 0 where these limits will be discussed as well as character creation and expectations for the game. During the game, there will be at least 1 break, potentially more if intense RP or gruelling combat requires it. The X, N, & O cards are messaged to me privately to allow for player privacy. After session, I will take some time to discuss with the group their feelings both in and out of character, how the game went and other things as part of debriefing and aftercare.

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Aftercare

  • Breaks

  • Debriefing

  • Lines and Veils

  • Session 0

  • X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

Character creation can be done by players before game by themselves if they are an experienced player or during Session 0. I would allow any official D&D 5e content without discussion and would allow some Homebrew from more experienced players with DM approval. Starting level would be Level 12 and stats decided by point buy or dice roll (player preference). The Dice roll being 4d6, taking the highest 3. Players doing dice roll stats outside of session 0 would need to submit their stat spread to the DM for approval.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium

  • Roleplay: Low

  • Puzzles: Medium

  • Experience Level: Intermediate

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