Legacy of the Dragon King

Legacy of the Dragon King

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Roll20, Physical Battlemap

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 6 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Here magic and high fantasy combine to create a society filled with many different races, cultures, and ways of life. The main kingdom of the Vvarden is separated into five main regions: Reingard, Damaran, Anton, Academy, and Capitol. Each region is named after its capitol city, but all regions are under the blanket of the Vvarden. The central of these regions is so aptly named Capitol as it is the hub for all things political and domestic, while the Academy region hold the Academy of magic where wizards and sorcerers study and practice their craft. To the south, the kingdom of Shou (said like Shoe) controls the trade waters, and is a vital source of goods to the Vvarden. While the Vvarden is a democratic kingdom ruled by elected officials, the kingdom of Shou is a monarchy, ruled by the same noble line for generations. The five regions of the Vvarden are overseen by wardens, who do not act as rulers, but as watchers and regulators, monitoring the economic and social states of their areas. Many years ago, the two kingdoms fought for control over the land, and the war ended with a neutral treaty designed to stop the bloodshed. The Vvarden took control of the northern lands, and claimed Damaran, while Shou was able to control the trade waters, assuring that both kingdoms received an equal portion of worth. Some would say that Shou made off with a bigger portion of wealth, as water trade is the fastest, cheapest, and most efficient way to trade due to the solar sails invented by the famous Shou Artificer Bella Kahn. In this world, magic is woven into society like a fine tapestry, allowing those who are blessed with its capabilities to use them for their betterment. While the average person may now have full magic capabilities, many people can use cantrips, lesser spell scrolls, and potions. The Capital is rather uneasy with the use of magic, but allows it nonetheless, given that higher level mages and casters pay for the proper permits… Finally, the history of this world was plagued by the existence of dragons. Hundreds of years ago, the world was dominated by them. They ruled the areas with the laws of nature and power, with the strongest of them taking control of the races around their lairs. They forced tithes in the form of food and gold, and even war. Dragons constantly fought with each other for land and glory, often at the expense of the races they ruled. Eventually, the dragons’ greed caught up with them, and some of them betrayed their kin, turning against them and allying with the races of the world. Eventually, the rule of the foul serpents ended, and the remaining dragons claimed all the treasure for their own, retreating to the far reaches of the world to live their lives in solitude. Some still remember the dragon wars, and the land will always have haunting scars in the form of weapons and castles designed for combat against them. While rare, these serpents are still seen from time to time, but often keep to themselves, as they are seen as monstrous beasts to be killed on sight. As for you and the party, you will be starting your journey into this world in the region of Reingard. Reingard is often seen as the last frontier of the Vvarden, with many of the Rein mountains yet to be explored, and the white forest still harboring many secrets. The main city of Reingard harbors many hardened adventurers, searching for lost treasure and glory, with the satellite towns around it gaining most of their money by catering to these adventurers with food, supplies, and luxury. Recently the talk of the town has been whispers of dark magic, a potential orc invasion, and an upcoming vote on the new representatives to be sent to the Capitol.

2 years on StartPlaying

45 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

You are more than welcome to come with a character prepared following ANY printed rules for character creation. All feats, classes, races, and variants are allowed. Stats may be point-buy, standard array, or rolled during session 0. Mic will be required, as primary communication will be through discord. If you happen to be in person, a slightly different set of expectations will be talked about during session 0.

What I provide

For online: I will provide everything that you need in order to play, and have all necessary subscriptions on Roll20. I will also create a personal discord for communication for us to use throughout the campaign! For in-person: I will also provide everything you need, but specifics can be talked about at session 0 as well.

Gameplay details

You can expect a overarching story branching all over the world. You will visit all sorts of fantastic locations, solve puzzles, and unravel the mysteries of the past. Combat will be fairly lightly spread out, but you can expect intense boss fights, real villains, and plenty of moral dilemmas. I use RAI for most of my rulings, but also a generous helping of the 'Rule of Cool'. General safety measures will be in place, but specifics will be talked about during session 0.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

You will start off at level 2. Session 0 will be for character creation, rules, and introductions.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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