StartPlaying is taking part in Pride Month with our June charity partnership! It’s a monthly tradition at StartPlaying Games to offer charity games where proceeds go to a different group. For June 2024, we’re working with the LGBT National Help Center.

Throughout the month of June, StartPlaying Game Masters have the option to run charity games. They can run any game at any time in June, and 100% of the proceeds go towards the LGBT National Help Center. Furthermore, StartPlaying is waiving the 10% booking fee for charity games and will match what GMs collectively donate up to $1,000. 

Find all the LGBT National Help Center charity games right here! Come try a new game or convince your favorite GM to donate some time in your regular campaign! 

Look for games that have the rainbow flag icon in the corner of their thumbnail. You’ll find level 20 DnD, Candela Obscura, Fallout, and more! Come help support a great cause and have a great time doing so! 

The LGBT National Help Center, founded in 1996, is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that provides vital peer support, community connections, and resource information through helplines and online chatrooms. They are the oldest and most comprehensive national organization of its type and scope in the United States, providing critically needed services regardless of age or geographic location.

Jun 15, 2024