Adventures in Epiphoria! a Level 1 to 20+ adventure. (Webcams)
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
Welcome to Epiphoria! I have created this homebrew world from top to bottom with lots of love and dedication. The world is generally low tech fantasy similar to what you would see in Faerun with some surprises here and there. The adventure will start with the party at level 1 as you will all be residents of a small town. The exact town and party relationship can be discussed in session 0, and as with everything in this adventure, there is a lot of flexibility. While there are things that will be happening outside of the players knowledge/control, the players will have an opportunity to have a meaningful impact on the world. There are absolutely no rails, and I will work with the players to weave their backstories into the story line. Optimally, I would love to have players that are not only familiar with 5e, but are also very much into the RP aspect. This campaign is all about collaborative story telling and that only happens if everyone wants to tell a story together. Since chemistry is very important, I would love to meet with everyone prior to session 0 to ensure we are a good fit for each other. While I would love my players to focus on playing their characters, I also a enjoy a good laugh and am a slave for a bit. While this is campaign is not all about humor, I hope to share many laughs as we assuredly get sidetracked together. This may take some time to get off the ground due to how the Startplaying algo likes to work, so please be patient as we get a great crew together to hopefully have an amazing adventure.
2 years on StartPlaying
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Additional details
How to prepare
Players should have: A computer capable of running Foundry well A Wireless Headset A Webcam (Yes, it's more fun when we see each other) A Strong desire to have a good time and an abundance of respect for everyone at the table.
What I provide
The game will take place on Foundry VTT. Prior to Session 1, I will send you links so you can come prepared with: A Foundry Server Account. A Discord Account. A DndBeyond Account.
Gameplay details
Session 0 will be all about getting to know you and what kind of characters and story you want to tell. I would also like to have the players introduce themselves and get a feel for each other. I may even have a fun game non dnd game for us to break the ice or to play while I'm discussing things one on one with a player. Players are HEAVILY encouraged to reach out to me prior to session 0 if there is any content that they would have trouble with. (i.e. phobias, traumas, etc). I want everyone to have a good time and setting boundries only helps with that.
Content warnings
• Alcoholism
• Abuse
• Animal Death
• Blood
• Cannibalism
• Character Death
• Child Abandonment
• Child Abuse
• Classism
• Clowns
• Controlling Parents
• Curing of Disabilities
• Death
• Deep or Large Bodies of Water
• Devils / Demons / Fiends
• Domestic Abuse
• Drowning
• Drugs (addiction, use, withdrawal)
• Eating Disorders
• Execution
• Extreme Violence
• Fire
• Freezing
• Genocide
• Gore
• Guns
• Hangings
• Hostages
• Illness
• Insects
• Kidnapping
• Language/Cursing
• Lifechanging Injury
• Memory Erasing
• Mind Control
• Mind alteration
• Mental Illness
• Murder
• Mutilation
• Mutilation of Corpses
• Paralyzation
• Prejudice
• Racism
• Seizures
• Scars
• Sexism
• Slavery
• Snakes
• Spiders
• Suicide
• Terrorism
• Trauma
• Violence
Safety tools used
• Session 0
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
Characters will be created at level 1. Instead of Stat Array or Point Buy, I have a slightly different method of stat generation. Each player will roll one set of 4d6 and keep the highest 3. If any of the die roll a 1, you can re-roll it. Depending on how many players there are, I will roll the remaining sets until we have 8 total sets. Players will then choose from those 8 numbers to make their characters. I find this method keeps players more balanced with each other without some feeling despondent that they did not roll very well. It should also be noted, that players may be rewarded in certain ways for making non traditional picks. Characters with flaws are always fun.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Foundry VTT
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Saturday - 1:30 AM UTC
3-5 Hour duration
0 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Intermediate
Age: 18+