PF2e Abomination Vaults | Free Session 0
PF2e Abomination Vaults | Free Session 0

Pathfinder 2e | Campaign


/ Session


Weekly / Sunday - 3:30 PM (UTC)

3-4 Hour duration

0 / 5 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 3 players have joined
About the adventure

In this game I will be running 4-5 players through the Abomination Vaults adventure path for PF2e. There are going to be a number of what I would consider as adult themes. These themes include: suicide, ableism, body horror, and human experimentation. The game will be hopefully a good mixture of roleplay and combat, though sometimes it will vary depending upon the group. You will be adventurers invited by an acquaintance to investigate the ominous Gauntlight Keep, which has recently become active after a lengthy period of inactivity.

Less than a year on StartPlaying

4 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Sets the Mood, Teacher

Additional details

How to prepare

An account on a Discord account Preferably watched this playlist if they are a newer player and finally access to

What I provide

This will be played on Foundry VTT through the Forge hosting site, we will be using the official foundry module for this adventure. My GMing style tends to be closer to rules as written however as long as something makes sense I am more than willing to allow it.

Gameplay details

In session 0 we will go over what concepts are in the adventure, ensuring that all players are good with said concepts, and also covering if there are any concepts that I as a GM will need to be aware of to either avoid or shutdown. As far as breaks go I use a module that allows players to simply step away without any interruption should they need it for any reason. I also do what I can to provide a full game pause midway through the 4 hour time slot. Upon session conclusion I make certain to ask my players if they have any questions, comments, concerns, and what they liked/didn't like.

Content warnings

Safety tools used



Open Door

Session 0

How will character creation work

This will happen with a mix between booking and end of session 0 using Pathbuilder so that the characters can be easily made and imported into the game. There isnt a specific book outside of backgrounds as Abomination Vaults does add a few backgrounds however it will not be required to use one of said backgrounds.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

Foundry VTT
