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Realms of Ethicality: Law’s Dominion [PBP]

Realms of Ethicality: Law’s Dominion [PBP]

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

The Continent of Medriand is a quiet one for the most part, sure it has the standard bandits, dragons and undead roaming the lands as the result of a necromancer. However, there has been no ‘Demon Kings’ , ‘Elder Dragons’ , or ‘Heroes of Legend’. There has been growth and prosperity across the lands, rumors of another continent , one with technologies great and vast reaching. From armors of giant metals that stand for defense to magics that seemed inconceivable to even the oldest Archmages. These impossible advances were no less than miracles of this time. Thus the continent was dubbed ‘Penuma’ , or ‘Land of Blessings’. It said that the ‘First Surge’ is to have emerged from this continent. It was Dusk across the land , when a voice broke apart the environment of silence and rowdy alike. “Who is to say that magic is only for the gifted? No, it is the right of every soul to sing its song, know your song seedlings…Bloom into delightful Flora!” Following this was a burst of vibrant blue energy , rumored to originate from the Sea of Ends. Where the first Explorers had sailed to find Penuma, there three great effects following the burst. ‘The True Sleep’, ‘Walk of the Symphony’ , and ‘The Everlasting Song’. Every man , woman , and child, elven or not , fell to a gentle slumber in their position. This event caused many deaths, but those who survived , walked. They walked in dream , in thought, in concept , a musical sheet of the highest order they themselves saw their note in yet, none can place what the purpose of the song. Which leads to the song itself , the survivors of The True Sleep , would float in the air, as they found their unique tattoos inscribed upon various places on their body. They let loose their new signatures spells in unison, many more died in this event , some to the power of the very spell they fly, others to the spells of others, and in much rarer cases these very dead were brought back by the spells of some others . The Everlasting Song is composed entirely of humanoids, broken down into individual ‘notes’, the signature spells that they are born with. However , other creatures of other types didn’t receive this boon for better or worse. Prompting jealousy across the planes, a search for what power could bring across this kind of change. Yet even with their power, rumors of Gods, celestials, fiends, aberrations, and monstrosities alike found themselves astounded in the sense that they themselves cannot seem to find Penuma, despite rumors of humanoids still managing to stumble across it. However it would not be called the ‘First Burst’ if there wasn’t another that followed it.

Game style

Theater of the Mind

“Theater of the Mind” uses little to no visuals for scene settings and combat. Instead, the narrative imagery comes from the Game Master’s descriptions and character action and movement comes from Players’ descriptions.

Recruiting notes

PBP reliably through the week!




2 years on StartPlaying

5 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Rule of Cool, Storytelling

Additional details

How to prepare

Webcams aren't needed, but they're certainly welcome and encouraged for the game. Characters will need to be created, and sheets can be made on any digital platform, but sheets made on beyond do allow me to implement my homebrew far easier. Physical dice are allowed, but I usually give it a few sessions first to get to know the party better and build the trust to allow them dice. Though if you have a dice cam , go for it right off the bat!

What I provide

I'll have my own books that I'll be bringing to the game. My notes, homebrew, and world lore will be supplied to the players as well in various links and formats that I'm constantly working on improving. I will also have combat maps at the standby , or at least ensure I have everything ready if I need to create some on the fly.

Gameplay details

Players can expect combat to be more fast paced, using a system that a DM friend of my introduced to me. With some slight modifications to it. Aftercare will consist of talks after the games about the events of the game. Helping to decompress , de-stress , and talk about some of the situations at hand with the game. I am just the facilitator of events, at the end of the day I stand on the side of players. A 15 minute break will be taken at the 2 hour mark , allowing players to discuss amongst themselves some , as well take care of whatever bio needs! Session 0 will be our time to go over the consent sheets, as well as some character ideas and what some party goals could be. Additionally, it allows time to discuss some home-brew use and what players can be finding potentially.

Content warnings

Safety tools used



Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

Character creation will be discussed as apart of Session 0 we'll go over some of the ideas together either in the general or DM VC of the game's discord server. Homebrew is usually allowed, I just like to hear the reasoning and at least look at it first. As long as it can somewhat make sense, I'm relatively lenient about it.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used




/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Custom / Friday - 6:00 PM UTC

3-6 Hour duration

0 / 4 Seats filled



Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 1 players have joined