Intro to D&D: Dragon of Icespire Peak

Intro to D&D: Dragon of Icespire Peak

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3.5 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

*EDIT-PLEASE READ* Now that we have progressed past session 0, I expect players to have character sheets completed and added to the D&D Beyond Campaign at least 15 minutes prior to the session. We are currently level 5, using the point buy system and starting class and background equipment. I will look at your character before we start, and make edits if necessary. Please utilize the prep materials I will provide you upon approval! *EDIT-PLEASE READ* This adventure is great for players of all levels of experience, and a great introduction to Dungeons and Dragons. Set in the Sword Coast of the Forgotten Realms, this campaign starts in Phandalin, a small frontier mining town near the Sword Mountains, just a few years into the process of being rebuilt after being destroyed by a horde of orcs hundreds of years ago. Little do the residents know, the rebuilding process is going to get a bit more complicated. Driven from lands farther north by more powerful dragons, a young white dragon named Cryovain has descended upon the Sword Mountains, claiming the snow-capped range as its domain. Typical of its kind, Cryovain is dim-witted and cruel. The dragon patrols the skies around Icespire Peak, surveying its territory while hunting for food and easy treasure. With each passing day, the dragon’s domain grows as it ranges farther across the land, preying on anything it can catch with its claws or freeze to death with its icy breath. Sightings of the dragon are becoming more common, as are its attacks. Here's where your role becomes evident. As a resident of Phandalin, you have decided to band together with some of your other equally brave--or foolish--neighbors in an attempt to secure your borders from the encroaching threat of orcs, and build your strength to perhaps challenge this young dragon. This will consist of building your resume and testing your mettle, searching for unexpected allies like the reclusive rock gnomes just a few miles away in Gnomengarde, or finding magical items and supplies. There are a handful of quests to help you gain experience and additional tools to help you along the way. This adventure is a very basic module which I will put my own spin on and personalize based on your character backstory. Expect the campaign to finish by level 6. Bear in mind that the module is fairly linear, but I would not consider it an entirely railroaded adventure. If you enjoy the adventure and want to continue, there are additional modules which can be added that flow quite well together.

3 years on StartPlaying

26 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

You will need the following basics in order to play: • Mic and headphones to prevent feedback and echoes. • Discord (free) for voice communication--player video optional, but I will be showing my face!! • D&D Beyond (free--I have all available sourcebooks!) for character creation. • Access to a laptop or desktop computer with reliable internet. • A positive attitude and an open mind, ready for adventures!

What I provide

I will enable content sharing with the entire sourcebook list from D&D Beyond, so you will not need to make any purchases outside of having a reliable mic and computer!

Gameplay details

This game is designed to have equal parts combat, roleplay, and problem solving over the course of the campaign. I do follow the rules as written consistently, but will bend the rules rarely when I believe it will make a significant difference in player experience. I always commit to a session 0 to make sure that I am absolutely clear on expectations from both a player and game master perspective. Sexually explicit content is almost always a no for me, and will not come up in this particular game, though violence and aggressive behavior may occur. I have 0 tolerance for unethical and abusive behavior between players. We should all strive to be part of an accepting and inclusive community. My number one concern is the well-being and comfort of my players and I use the following safety tools: • X-Card - A tool that allows anyone to edit out any content anyone is uncomfortable with and can be utilized at any point during play. Since TTRPGs are highly improvised, it's possible the game will go in a direction people don't want, and we won't know until we get there. An X-Card is a simple tool to know precisely when someone is at their limit. • Open Conversation - While the X-Card is helpful, it is not a replacement for conversation and sharing how to make the game better and avoid issues in the future. If you prefer to talk about an issue that comes up instead of using the X-Card, know that I am committed to fostering communication and a healthy, safe environment.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

*EDIT-PLEASE READ* Now that we have progressed past session 0, I expect players to have character sheets completed and added to the D&D Beyond Campaign at least 15 minutes prior to the session. We are currently level 5, using the point buy system and starting class and background equipment. I will look at your character before we start, and make edits if necessary. Please utilize the prep materials I will provide you upon approval! *EDIT-PLEASE READ* The first session will be dedicated in part to create characters, get to know each other, and spend a small portion of the session with me 1 on 1 to work on backstory development and world integration. Session 0 will also be utilized to onboard newer players to Dungeons and Dragons, Discord, and Foundry VTT. Characters will be created using D&D Beyond starting at level 1 and you can expect to level up to level 6 by completion of the campaign. Characters do not have to be fully fleshed out before session 0, but it is recommended to have a strong idea of which type of character you would like to play so we can start role playing and make the most of our session 0. Being tech savvy will help, but I am willing to help fill the gaps. MORE EXPERIENCED PLAYERS: Please be patient as this campaign is inclusive to new players looking to learn the game.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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