A rapid round of tabletop RPG news is coming your way! After last week highlighted a collection of different TTRPGs, Dungeons & Dragons takes center stage with a pair of big announcements. One is a pleasant surprise. The other… not so much. Not everything is about D&D, however. One big creator is set to launch their crowdfunding, and a Brandon Sanderson novel makes a big show of debuting in 2024. So how about we get started with our first story?
Wizards Of The Coast Delays Deck Of Many Things Physical Release

WotC announced that it will be pushing back its physical release of the Deck of Many Things/Book of Many Things. The $99 set was supposed to launch on November 14, complete with a book and the titular deck of cards. Now, however, the physical release is delayed indefinitely due to manufacturing issues. The digital book is still set to meet its original date with pre-orderers already having early access.
“It’s important to us at Wizards of the Coast that our customers are delighted with the quality of the product they receive,” says a D&D Beyond blog. “After an internal review we found the product didn’t meet our manufacturing standards.” While not stated as a reason by WotC, several reviews of the Deck of Many Things have called into question the value of the product as compared to its cost.
Chains of Asmodeus Gives The Archdevil An Official Stat Block

Those disappointed about the lack of many things can take heart in the surprise release of Chains of Asmodeus. This beefy PDF is written by James Ohlen (Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2) and Adrian Tchaikovsky (Children of Time). It contains 50+ monsters, 20+ magic items, a corruption mechanic, and a stat block for Asmodeus himself. If that wasn’t enough, it also has a Hells-themed adventure for levels 11-20. And it all has the official WotC seal of approval. The product currently goes for $29.99 on DMs Guild with all proceeds going towards Extra Life.
Play A Hells D&D Campaign With A Pro DM!
Stormlight RPG Will Premiere With An Actual Play At DragonSteel Con 2023

Brotherwise Games has a roster of talent behind its upcoming Stormlight RPG, and it’s showing them off. The game is set to release in 2024, based of course on the Stormlight Archive novel series by Brandon Sanderson. Gameplay will be seen this year, however, as a charity live show at Dragonsteel Con. Brotherwise also shared some of its designers and writers: Lead Designer Andrew Fischer, Lead Writer Lydia Suen, and Project Lead Anthony Joyce-Rivera. The rest of the team has experience working on favorites like Star Wars, Pathfinder, Legend of the Five Rings, and D&D.
MCDM Reveals Launch Date For Its Own RPG System Crowdfunding Campaign

The “tactical heroic cinematic fantasy” RPG game from MCDM is going to hit BackerKit on December 7. While playtests are still well underway, designers such as James Introcaso are hyping up the crowdfunding campaign launch. Those interested can sign up here to be notified when the BackerKit page goes live.
That’s the end for this week! Whether you prefer epic fantasy, high-level hijinks, or dramatic narratives, may your dice be kind!