Dark Souls: Flames Lit Anew || 18+ || D&D5e + Dark Souls!

Dark Souls: Flames Lit Anew || 18+ || D&D5e + Dark Souls!

DARK SOULS: The Roleplaying Game, Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign


/ Session


Weekly / Friday - 1:00 AM UTC

2.5-3 Hour duration

3 / 6 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

About the adventure

The light of man falters, the hope of the heavens for the world that they brought together to live breaks away and yet despite all that you answer a call that was silent to your ears. A simple twitch of a muscle you never knew you had. A keen want for something, anything, already a higher point then those whom had cluttered the pit of ash and soot beneath you other heads rise all the same. Then the screaming begins. Memories, tears of lovers lost and wars waged each one a keen reminder of your presence within a land lost of light and full of anguish you can only bare the pain to see that you no longer stand upon a standing of ash but rather the weathered stone grounds of a cell... ★ What to Expect ★ ☆ Unique Characterization of NPCS ☆ Every npc met will have a purpose to serve in the story no matter if it is something small or large and be unique to themselves. Gone are the days of simple handouts with houses now you will get to build experiences with your fellow player and the world. ☆ Character Growth ☆ From rags to riches and everywhere in between I do my best to make sure that you and your characters can manage to get their fill of story and more with every session that passes by! ☆ Unique Combat ☆ All, and i mean ALL, combats are homebrew and made by me in order to best represent the world and its denizens and also give a fresh dip into combat that any player may otherwise have never experienced, giving a breath of fresh air to the old and new to the system!

Voice Actor

2 years on StartPlaying

60 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Rule of Cool, Creativity

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

Players need a working mic and access to a computer. The game will be held over discord and Foundry VTT, so you will need an account on both of those as well. All sheets will be handled through Foundry.

What I provide

I will be sure to bring about the actual vtt that will be played on in the form of foundry with the rules being provided on my end as well with custom rules being introduced to fit the setting more having interactive games that are molded by players actions.

Gameplay details

I'll be using the Open Door safety tools for this game. If at any point you're uncomfortable and need a break, feel free to take one, no warning necessary. With that said given the nature of any game, either roleplay focused or combat I will also be taking a break about midway through in order to allow for everyone to take some time while the games' on pause and to assure any details for the game. Along with that being said I will similarly be using the Stars and Wishes Safety tools to not only try to hear people out on their grievances and worries but also try to make the game better for everyone involved in the story on all fronts. Due to the nature of so many triggers being applicable, during session 0 things that are 100% off the table will be discussed and the terms by which they should be avoided.

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Open Door

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

How will character creation work

Character creation will be mostly done before session, but stories and character concepts will be finalized in session 0 through a server I've created for everyone and on a foundry game for sheets however here is a broad view of what to expect. Character creation rules: Level 1 Listed Arrays Given to be chosen from. (No rolling for stats) Sourcebooks allowed: Dungeon Master's Guide, Player's Handbook, Dark Souls: The Roleplaying Game. Equipment - Standard equipment for character.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

Foundry VTT
