Delta Green
Born of the U.S. government’s 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green opposes the forces of darkness with honor but without glory. Delta Green agents fight to save humanity from unnatural horrors—often at a shattering personal cost. In Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game, the players are those agents. They fight to keep terrors from beyond space and time from infecting the world and claiming human lives and sanity. The Handler is the game moderator who creates and interprets their world, presents the unnatural horror that they investigate, and describes the awful aftermath of their sacrifices.
Originally created by Dennis Detwiller, Christopher Gunning, Shane Ivey, Greg Stolze
Release Date
How to Play Delta Green
D20 Live walks you through a quick (and very comedic) breakdown of how Delta Green works, include stats, bonds, and combat.
A Deep Dive Into Delta Green
Daniel Profeta provides an indepth look into Delta Green, walking you through everything you might need to know to start on your Lovecraftian horror journey!
Delta Green community artists
Frequently asked questions about Delta Green
Explore Delta Green Professions
Anthropologist or Historian
You study humanity. You’re concerned with the patterns that emerge over time, across land masses, cultures and language groups. You might be a number cruncher, a field worker trudging through the jungle, a “human terrain” expert in a war zone, or a think tank analyst sifting myth from history in reports of the Tcho Tcho peoples.
Computer Scientist or Engineer
Computers and machinery are the backbone of modern industry. You are a craftsman with data or machinery, possibly for the government, most definitely for profit. However you use your skills, the overlap between information technology and awareness of the unnatural could make this the most dangerous job on the planet.
Federal Agent
Most Delta Green agents are federal law enforcement officers, mostly from the FBI. Delta Green decided long ago that federal agents have the optimum balance of skills and mental stability needed to confront the unnatural.
Doctors are often the first to uncover signs of an unnatural incursion, and the most valuable investigators of its disastrous effects on humanity.
You expand human knowledge in a field such as biology, physics or chemistry. In theory, you form a hypothesis, build an experiment to test it and see if it survives. When certain forms of knowledge cause insanity and death, it’s easy to conclude that some hypotheses should not be tested.
Special Forces
A soldier usually finishes training and settles into a specialty until their contract is up. You’ve volunteered for a more difficult path. As a member of a group like the U.S. Army Special Forces, the SEALs, the USMC Critical Skills Operators, or the CIA Special Operations Group, you’ve spent years in the most grueling training on the planet, and now serve on the most dangerous missions around
Virtual table tops for Delta Green (VTTs)
Delta Green: Agent's Handbook
The AGENT'S HANDBOOK is a players-only rulebook for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game. This new incarnation of the award-winning DELTA GREEN game line includes: * Rules for creating agents of all types. * Rules for tense, fluid investigations. Players who use their agents' skills in clever ways have the best chance to succeed -- and survive. * Nerve-wracking rules for combat, where random disasters can undo the most careful planning. * Mind-melting Sanity rules that see agents gradually deteriorate -- and sometimes snap. * Rules for "home" scenes where players see what their agents are fighting for. * Quick, intuitive rules to determine equipment and assets. * Dossiers on the federal agencies most likely to be featured in play.