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Michael Acosta

2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Voices, Creativity, Storytelling

About me

I am passionate about Dungeons & Dragons. Roleplay and storytelling are my escape and my safe place. I aim to provide that pocket dimension that I love so much, to other people who may need the same. I take great pleasure in hearing my players react to plot twists, major reveals, and "WOW" moments. My DMing style is pretty 50/50 combat/rp right now, and I incentivize roleplay heavily. You will find in my campaigns that players will be rewarded for maintaining character, and voice acting can go a long way to keeping that atmosphere for the rest of the group. I'm not afraid to admit I'm still learning. I find things every session that make me a better DM and I am ALWAYS wanting to find more, hear more, learn more. I frequently ask my players what they like in their past sessions, vs what they didn't like so that I can fine-tune the experience, so every player gets his or her money's worth. I DM exclusively using D&D Beyond and Foundry TTV with the Beyond20 web extension. I collect content on DDB to provide my players with the most character creation options possible and I'm not afraid of a little homebrew. If you choose me as your DM, you're in for a good time. I look to have a player interview in which we will get to know what kind of player you are and what your intent is within the game. If I feel like you're a good fit for the party, and we feel like I am a good fit for you as a player we will get the ball rolling. Thanks for your consideration.

GM Style

Core tenants: Role play Immersive environments Gripping story hooks Challenging combat Real risk of PC death Goals: Reward good players Teach and guide new or struggling players Punish problematic players and those who actively seek to abuse the system. In development: Voice acting - I love to give my characters voices, I seldom remember the voice i gave them and don't have a wide variety of voices in my repertoire

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