Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition

Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition

Gaia is dying. The ices melt, while the seas swell. The heat rises, while the forests wither. Extinction threatens millions, in favor of the few. The Garou — warlike shapeshifters torn be­tween Rage and spirit, between Wolf and Man, and champions of the earth-mother — have failed. The Apocalypse is here. Yet, a new generation of Garou now call upon their Rage to confront the forces of destruction, avarice, and greed ravaging the earth-mother. With tooth and claw the Garou will wrest her from the brink of death — or follow her enemies to the grave. Will you answer their howl? What legends will the Garou sing of you? When will you Rage? In Werewolf: The Apocalypse, you play as the Garou, a creature of flesh and spirit, blessed and cursed with primal rage. Born to fight and die in a desperate war to protect Gaia — the very living earth — you engage in an unequal battle against the greed and power-hunger of human civilization that has trapped the world in a choking web of technology and corruption.

Originally created by Justin Achilli, Basheer Ghouse, Christopher Gunning, Dylan Jennings, Sasanehsaeh Jennings, Khaldoun Khelil, Karim Muammar, Juhana Pettersson, Pam Punzalan, Bianca Savazzi


3-5 Players
Storyteller System
D10 System


Gritty Fantasy

Release Date

August 2023

How to play Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition

Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition utilizes the Storyteller system, found in many other World of Darkness games. The core mechanic in the Storyteller System is a pool of ten-sided dice (d10s), which are used to resolve conflicts.

Frequently asked questions about Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition

Explore Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition Auspices

Theurge image


Changed under the sign of the crescent moon, the theurges are the mystics of Garou society and the auspice with the greatest aptitude for interacting with spirits.

Philodox image


Changed under the sign of the half-moon, the philodoxes are the judges and arbiters of Garou society - the auspice with the responsibilities of mediating conflict by wisely interpreting the ways of the werewolves, and knowing the letter of the Litany.

Ragabash image


Changed under the sign of the new moon, the ragabash are the tricksters of Garou society, the auspice given the greatest latitude to challenge traditions and question "the way things have always been done." Not least because "the way things have always been done" has resulted in Apocalypse.

Galliard image


Changed under the sign of the gibbous moon, the galliards are the storytellers and lore-keepers of the Garou, and the auspice that maintains the oral record of the werewolves and upholds the spirit of the Litany.

Ahroun image


Changed under the sign of the full moon, the ahrouns are the warriors of Garou society, the fighters of a people who are entirely disposed to ferocious violence. They are often looked at for leadership in times of war, and given the belligerence of many septs, this often means "until further notice".

Virtual table tops for Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition (VTTs)

Renegade Game Studios

Renegade Game Studios

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