Nocturne in Chrysanthemum & Sword: An Eastern D&D One Shot
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | One-Shot
About the adventure
It sounds like a simple job: you were gonna escort Noboru Sato San to the shrine up the mountain; he's gonna pray, and then pay you a surprisingly large sum of money. But why would you argue when the client's being generous, right? Jobs have been scarce since the war. Only one catch -- you've been hearing about some sort of a curse up that mountain. Some of the customers at the Izakaya were also saying that they've heard strange music in the woods at night -- a woman's voice, singing and playing shamisen with such sorrow. And what's up with the blizzard in the middle of summer? Inspired by Uncaged Anthology (a groundbreaking, critically acclaimed collection of myth and folklore themed adventures written for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition that subverts tropes around female mythological creatures or monsters including hags, harpies, medusas, and much, much more), this is an original one shot adventure designed for 11th level characters. Combat level will fluctuate between low and medium depending on your characters' choices. Like all my games, your words can be more powerful than your swords / magic. The setting itself is very loosely based on post WWII Japan (hence the title of the one shot), except this was a different war (we have an abundance of them after all), centuries in the past, in a fantasy alternate universe, in a country called Akai.
Additional details
How to prepare
You will need a working mic but webcam is optional. Please join this discord and we'll discuss further there
What I provide
I'll be using roll20 for battle map as well as visual aids, where I'll also create custom tokens for both NPCs and PCs. I provide in depth characterization of NPCs and encourage creative problem solving. (I'll always prioritize the story over needing to include more combats just for the sake of it. However, in cases where players resolved the adventure entirely peacefully, we'll go into an alternate ending and go for a standalone combat so that we can all see the cool things your PCs can do.
Gameplay details
We will be setting up lines and veils together as a table on a case to case basis. We will discuss it ahead of the game as well as at the beginning of the session so that everyone is on the same page.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Breaks
• Lines and Veils
• Open Door
• Stars and Wishes
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
Create a lvl 11 character using either D&D 2024 rules. You may use the 2014 legacy version, in which case give yourself a free starting feat. Stats: you may use point buy, standard array, or roll two sets and choose one you like (and if you hate both options, use point buy). Equipment: choose the starting equipment that comes with your starting class. You can have an additional 100 GP to spend on spell components (please be sure to only pick spells that you can afford the components of). Magic Items: You can have 2 magic items and only 1 of them can be up to rare tier. You may forgo 1 item for a spell casting material component up to 100 GP. Magic items that set stats to a certain number are not allowed (Amulet of Health, Belt of ___Strength, etc.). Banned: conquest paladin, custom lineage. Magic items that alter your stats to a set number (for example, amulet of health, belt of giant strengths, etc.) Grimhollow and humblewood content unless discussed ahead of times. Table rules: we are using 2024 spells but the emanation spells triggers are using the 2014 rules. Once the character is done, you can add it to this campaign And please be sure to submit your character art (in its original form without token frames) ahead of times. A detailed backstory is not required for the one shot but if you have it, it'll help me integrate your PC into the world.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Roll20
• Discord
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Once / Saturday - 11:00 PM UTC
Mar 22
3.5-4 Hour duration
0 / 5 Seats filled
Experience required: Intermediate
Age: 18+