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Professional Game Master



Game Designer

Player for
45 years
GM for
43 years
Hosted over
143 games

About me

My name is Cliff, but I generally go by Oginme when on-line. I started playing Dungeons and Dragons 44 years ago and DMed my first game 2 years later. I very much enjoy working cooperatively with my DnD players to create unique stories and fun memories. My typical campaigns run for years and I carefully wrap in character backstories, goals, and wishes into the overall story we create together. Outside of DnD, I read or listen to books on a wide variety of subjects, garden, raise LaMancha dairy goats, and brew my own beer. Previously, I spent 26 years in the paper industry, and 18 years doing product development in a variety of fields. Currently, I consult with several companies on product development and commercialization. This allows me a fairly flexible schedule. I continually study many RPGs, game mastering, and storytelling techniques to work at improving my skills to grow myself as a game master.

GM style

My DMing style is a focus on character driven story building. I can run games from heavy role-playing to dungeon crawls depending upon the players’ preferences. My NPCs each have their own personality, ideals, and goals which can lead to intense interactions. My monsters have a will to live and will act accordingly. I create interesting exploration whether it is crashing through the jungle or winding a path through stacks of books in a library. I do use voices for my NPCs and enjoy coming up with quirky, memorable characters to interact with the players. I am the biggest fan of the player characters while challenging them to become the heroes they were destined to be. I ensure that all the players have impact and direction in the story we create and enjoy the game we play together. If you are looking for a unique custom campaign, my on-going campaigns are home brewed and based upon character backstories and goals, party choices, and actions.


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