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2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Sets the Mood, Visual Aid

About me

Hello my name is Jack, I started getting into DND two years ago and have a tendency to get obsessed with whatever my current hobby is. I started DMing for my friends and even made a whole alternate Fallout style DND system and world. I made an account on start playing because of my friends conflicting schedules and wanting to have players who are interested in learning the game or have a passion and investment in the game. A little bit about me I work as an operating room nurse, train in muay thai and of course play videogames (currently loving Baldur's Gate 3). I have a cute golden doodle dog and am lucky to have an amazing girlfriend Sara. I hope to foster an inclusive and welcoming environment to DND and am more then happy to teach new players.

GM Style

I would say my DM style depends on my players and what they lean into. I very much love putting backstories of my players characters into the story and writing edits or additions to existing adventures to incorporate these backstories, I think this is where my DMing skills are the strongest. For me the overarching plot is important and having it intertwine with character growth is very rewarding. I do voices though definitely not my strong suit. Most of my sessions tend to be 60% combat/exploration and 40% roleplay but it varies depending on who my players are and what the given campaign calls for. I enjoy more roleplay heavy sessions as well but I try to adapt it to what my players enjoy. I also tend to think combat and roleplay can often intertwine so hard for me to put down an exact percentage.

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