Eberron: Shadows of Sharn - Dragon Heist Adaptation - LVL 4-14 CAMPAIGN

Eberron: Shadows of Sharn - Dragon Heist Adaptation - LVL 4-14 CAMPAIGN

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

After 100 years of open warfare that tore the continent of Khorvaire asunder, The Last War has come to an end. At least, this is what the general public knows... Prepare yourself for an adaptation of WotC's "Waterdeep: Dragon Heist" SET IN EBERRON! Welcome to the World of Eberron. Your adventure begins in Sharn, the largest known modern city of all the nations --- charmingly known as the City of Towers. You work for The King's Citadel. The elite. Your country, Breland, has something of a reputation for being the "Rogue of the Five Nations of Khorvaire". At least, that is what the general public knows... The truth is that Breland owes its reputation to you and your ilk. You are the true swords and shields of this nation; the eyes and ears, the researchers and diplomats that nobody knows about, and, if it be necessary, the last face one never saw coming. --- The lower wards of Sharn run red with blood. It has come to your superiors' attentions that the Criminal Organizations of Sharn, and beyond, are converging within the City of Towers --- each gathering recourses, asking dangerous questions where they are not welcome to, and plotting... The deceptively cunning monsters of Daask, the war-criminal-pseudo-cult known as the Emerald Claw, the shapeshifting Tyrants, the halfling mafia headed by the wealthy Boromar Clan, and a hitherto unknown faction that has begun stirring up trouble in the district known as Fallen. And, if that wasn't enough, there are rumours of imminent, coincidental, Kobold and Warforged uprisings! What are all of them plotting, respectively?! That is where you come in. You are not just any member of the King's Citadel. You are a Shadow. You have been informed that The Citadel has a special assignment for you. You have a gut feeling that if you get made on this assignment, you will be on your own... in the City of Towers. What destiny is in store for you?


3 years on StartPlaying

25 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

REQUIRED MATERIALS, SOFTWARE, AND EQUIPMENT: -Webcam -Microphone -A free DNDBeyond account -A free Discord account -The free "Beyond 20" Google Chrome Extension -The Free "Syrinscape Online (beta)" app (to be able to hear sound effects) https://syrinscape.com/online/ Scroll down and read the instructions at the link if you are unfamiliar with the software. (I will send you an invitation to receive the sounds generated on my account the day of the game) -A Notebook/Notepad/Writing surface of your choosing for Notetaking

What I provide

T'INGS THAT I WILL PROVIDE: -A DNDBeyond Campaign with Shared Digital Materials -Syrinscape subscription for sound effects and music -Fun, Intrigue, Many Silly Voices, Terror ...AND ADVENTURE!

Gameplay details

GAMEPLAY: During the course of a session of this campaign, each Player will take on the role of approved characters / adventurers that they have created before the start of their first session. I, J.P., will take on the role of the Game Master / Dungeon Master. When running TTRPGs, I like to tailor stories to the Players' respective characters and their backstories to give Players a sense of investment in their character, other participants' characters, and the world as a whole. I employ use of sound effects and music, and images that I find... somewhere or other... to help scenes feel more immersive, and I encourage players to describe their character's own actions and feelings where appropriate. I discourage needless killing in D&D, and "murder-hoboism" will carry...consequences. Please, be mindful of all participants' enjoyment : D I am fairly flexible when it comes to the flavouring and alteration of already existing materials, within reason. I welcome homebrew items, but I am not comfortable with changing things around too drastically or once we are already quite a ways along in a campaign (as it can be rather disruptive to everyone at the table). That being said, let us defer to the "Rule of Cool" when it comes to fantastic moments, but I ask, kindly, for the reciprocity of respect where limits are concerned. CONTENT WARNINGS: *Please be aware that fantasy can take you to a lot different places, some of which whose themes and subject matter may not be suitable for all participates. These may include; Extreme Violence, Body Horror, Themes of Colonialism in a Fictional World, Themes of Police Activities and Violence in a Fictional World, Drugs and Addiction, The Devastation of War, The Struggles of Refugees, Mental Illness and Madness, Torture, Homelessness, Cults and Rituals, Themes of Religion, Fictional Slavery, Themes of Caste Systems, Fantasy Prejudice (nationalistic, magical; e.g. Warforged not always being allowed certain rights of sentience, certain Tieflings being viewed with suspicion because of The Lords of Dust, certain individuals not trusting Changelings because of identity theft, certain Orcs not trusting foreigners because of civilizations violating ancient customs and magics, etc.), Undead and Necromancy, Themes of Prophecy and Fate, Conspiracy and Governmental Secrets, Thievery, Darkness, dAmn POrTaLs, Flirting, Horror, and being called mean names by obtuse NPCs...! But, not necessarily in that exact order!* If you do not believe that you would be able to tolerate one or more of these themes, please be warned that they likely will come up during games. SAFETY: If, at any point during the course of the game, you find that you are intolerably uncomfortable with a given set of circumstances (that I have NOT listed above as warning), in the game or between players, you reserve your right to use your X, N, O "CARDS" by typing in chat, or saying the respective letter aloud. For context; X=You are uncomfortable with the present content in the game. The group can change the content, rewind and redo, or have the scene fade to black. N=You believe that the present circumstances are leading to an X for you. The group can change course so that it doesn't become an X or have the scene fade to black. O=You are okay with what is going on. If, at any point, I ask "O?", I am gauging everyone's comfort levels (outside of the listed darker themes that might be inherent of the game). I would ask that each participant be open to, as a group, discussing any curiosities, concerns, and / or highlights, and excitements pertaining to the content of the sessions, before, during, or after a session, if necessary. If a participant exhibits negative, toxic, abusive, aggressive, hateful, discriminatory, blaming, and/or unkind behaviours that put down / disrespect others at the table, I reserve the right to ask them to stop and/or leave.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Debriefing
  • Session 0
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

I will be communicating with each player in advance of the day of the session, sending you a Google Forms sheet to fill out and then meeting with you online, to help you make an Eberron Dungeons & Dragons 5e character. If you already know how to make an such a character, grand! I would still ask of each participant that we communicate, regardless, so as to allow me to be able to tailor the scenario to the information I have about your respective character's backstory, class, and race/folk. (I will communicate with you in Discord (for audio and video), Foundry VTT (for dice rolling), and DNDbeyond (for character sheets) for the character creation process and during play).

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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