2024 is certainly a time to be a TTRPG fan. While some may say that the medium is dying, others will point you towards the sheer variety of games available these days. While the constant social media discourse can be tiring, it really does feel like this year could shape the industry in huge ways.
Dungeons & Dragons, despite still being the most famous tabletop RPG on the market, is facing an uncertain year. Will the new update set the stage for a smooth digital transition, or is the brand doomed to fail by trying to be everything for everyone? The events of 2023 saw a huge vocal outcry against the corporate side of D&D. In its wake, dozens of publishers announced new games. Many of these games are set to release this year.
With so many crowdfunding announcements, playtests, and hype-building out there, it can be hard to remember what’s coming out and when. So here’s a handy guide to some of the top TTRPGs coming out in 2024.

The big blockbuster of crowdfunding ended its campaign in January 2024 with over $4 million raised. This is the brainchild of beloved YouTube DM Matt Colville and a handpicked team of experienced designers. Based on teaser pages and playtest reports, this game seems similar to D&D 4E with a greater emphasis on streamlining mechanics to deliver more action. Making combat fluid and more action-based seems to be the selling point.
The full release of MCDM RPG isn’t planned until 2025, but broader playtest PDFs are expected to go to backers in mid-2024.
Stormlight RPG

One of the massively successful Brandon Sanderson stories is coming to TTRPG form with a lot of buildup. The Stormlight RPG site doesn’t reveal much, mostly that the game will use an original system, has an experienced creative team, and will be new player friendly. Fans of the series will find original lore as well. There will apparently be a “plot die” and a skill-based magic system.
Stormlight RPG is planned to debut on Kickstarter in 2024. If (more likely, when) it succeeds, the PDF should be available this year as well. The hardcover is set for 2025, however.
Boyfriend Dungeon

The video game version of Boyfriend Dungeon made quite a splash due to its combination of dungeon crawling and romance with well-crafted characters. In fact, you romance the very weapons you take into the dungeon crawl. A TTRPG version of Boyfriend Dungeon was a surprise announcement in the latter of 2023. It looks to be based in Powered by the Apocalypse and incorporate the same relationship-building elements of the video game.
Boyfriend Dungeon TTRPG: Life on the Edge is supposed to release on Steam in January 2024.

This one will likely do big numbers due to its connection to Critical Role. While Daggerheart is not set in the world of the hugely popular show, it is being published by the company’s publishing arm Darrington Press. Daggerheart has seen some playtests at conventions in 2023, revealing it to be a more narrative fantasy system geared towards beginners. It uses cards as part of the character sheet as well as tokens, with the idea being that visual props will be faster than flipping through rulebooks.
Daggerheart doesn’t have a set release date yet, but you can follow its progress on Darrington’s site.
Eat The Reich

If all the talk of fantasy settings and potential for long campaigns isn’t doing it for you, Eat The Reich could be exactly what you need. Sessions of this game are supposed to be quick, bloody, and hilarious. The game takes place in Nazi-occupied Paris of WWII. You and your friends play a team of vampire commandos sent to drink all of Hitler’s blood. A campaign takes place in the course of one night, so the rules are simple enough to not get in the way of a good time.
Eat The Reich finished its successful Kickstarter campaign in Fall 2023, but its physical version has yet to release and can still be pre-ordered here.
Triangle Agency

Here’s one for the paranormal fans. Triangle Agency is a semi-satirical take on the likes of X-Files or SCP. Players work as agents who capture and contain various anomalies in a modern-day world. The challenge doesn’t end on the field, however, as agents also contend with corporate culture and the quest for work-life balance. The result is a game that’s equal parts funny and freaky.
Triangle Agency has a large demo called the Delta Test available now. The full book version is in pre-orders and looking at a July launch.
Shadow Scar

Multiversal monster-hunting ninja is the name of this game from Cody Pondsmith of Cyberpunk RED and Witcher RPG fame. Pondsmith was heavily inspired by anime when coming up with the concept. Naruto, in particular, informed how players will create characters from various shinobi clans to customize their abilities. The ninja team will dimension hop to other settings such as a noir city and a post-apocalypse. The system will utilize a d6 pool base for something that players can pick up quickly.
Shadow Scar is intended to have a starter set launch first this year, and then bring out the core rulebook and miniatures later on.
The Hidden Isle

The first thing to say about The Hidden Isle is that it is gorgeous. Its style is striking and dreamy, and it also extends into the gameplay. No dice are found here– players instead use Tarot cards to guide everything from character creation to skill checks. The setting is the world of the 16th-century, specifically across Europe and the Middle East. Players swashbuckle their way across the seas to fight oppression and protect ancient secrets from falling into the wrong hands.
The Hidden Isle book is available for pre-order with a July ship date, or you can download the playtest version now.
And that’s only a small sampling of what’s coming this year! While many seem to be coming for the fantasy TTRPG throne, there’s also a lot of fun variety out there. 2024 is shaping up to be a great year for trying a new game. And if you happen to be looking for a group to play one, or a GM to run one, we’ve got you covered on StartPlaying!