Welcome everyone, to another exciting edition of tabletop RPG news! This week’s stories go out to the connoisseurs in the audience. Those people who are looking to tell new stories in unfamiliar worlds, and maybe even finally get their group to try a new game. There are new games aplenty in this week’s offerings, and StartPlaying’s got the professional game masters that know how to run them. So let’s start this roundup with an exciting new system! 

Dreams & Machines Puts Hope Into The Apocalypse With 2d20

Modiphius Entertainment is hyping up its upcoming game, Dreams & Machines, for a debut at Gen Con. The game will use a simplified version of the 2d20 system seen in other Modiphius games, reports Polygon. As for the setting, the action takes place after an AI rebelled against humanity and society collapsed as a result. Now people rebuild amongst the ruins of their future tech, cobbling together a colorful life of hope in the remains. Dreams & Machines will start being officially sold in August online and at Gen Con, but the starter set can be pre-ordered now. 

Tales Of The Valiant And Gloomhaven Hit $1 Million On Kickstarter

Two ongoing TTRPG Kickstarters have hit the million dollar mark. Tales of the Valiant from Kobold Press hit the goal with mere days left in its crowdfunding run. It’s still running for about a day as of this posting. Tales of the Valiant became a big deal under the name “Black Flag” during the Dungeons & Dragons 5E OGL controversy. It presents a similar-but-legally-distinct 5E game that adds extra options and that Kobold Press shine. 

Gloomhaven is well known for its giant and complex board game. Well more is more, apparently, as the Gloomhaven Grand Festival adds a lot of extras. By funding the Backerkit campaign, you can acquire the Gloomhaven RPG, the second edition of the Gloomhaven board game, or a lot of miniatures. Like, 603 miniatures if you go for the full set. The project is looking for $2 million, and is well on its way to get it with $1.7 million and 28 days left to go. 

Free RPG Day Is June 24

One last reminder that Free RPG Day is this Saturday, June 24! If you’ve got a local game store nearby, be sure to pop in early to see what goodies they have in store. Many RPG publishers provide one-shots of their systems, which are always good to have in your GM library. This year’s list also hints at some dice giveaways, and who doesn’t want more dice? Modiphius is offering a coloring book based on Dreams & Machines, definitely worth checking out if that earlier story intrigued you. 


And that’s a wrap for this week! If you do go out for Free RPG Day, good luck finding what you’re looking for! And if you don’t have a local game store, feel free to check out StartPlaying for all the fun one-shots and new campaigns going on this weekend.

Jun 22, 2023
Tabletop Gaming News