Mysteries in Icewind Dale: Save the Ten Towns [D&D 2024]
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
Icewind Dale is the frostbitten end of the world. The windswept tundra in the region is the true test of one’s mettle. It’s survival of the fittest! Ten small towns have managed to survive so far by learning to respect the weather... But as the winter is getting harsher and harsher, and the nights become longer, town folk start to believe that the Frostmaiden, A Goddess— and a cold-hearted one— stands behind this brutal change.... Desperate, they seek White Clerics' advice and start to offer sacrifices to the Goddess... food, lives, the little they still have... As sacrifices are offered every New Moon... Sanity is falling apart... Desperation becoming common place... You are a traveller that bought a one way ticket to Icewind Dale... Why? What is your motivation? Investigate the mystery? Help the Dale folk? Search the hidden secrets and uncover the prophecy of the Lost Tomb? Join a caravan travelling from Luskan to Bryn Shander and find yourself in the middle of a complex, dark, and daunting puzzle that threat the Ten Towns of extinction... [Cover art by James' RPG Art]
Game style
Rule of Cool (RoC)
“Rule of Cool” emphasizes creative story beats over sticking to a system’s rules as written. Players have the ability to push the limits of the rules or even break core rule mechanics at times if the Game Master thinks it is interesting, fun, or cool enough.
Join now to benefit from a free individual Session zero and a free group Session 1 (Prologue). Help weave this story together: the starting group has a big role to play in the narrative. 2024 Rules + 2014 legacy species & sub-classes. We start at Level 1 (roll stats or point buy if you dislike the rolls). Character creation on DNDBeyond (24x7 access). - We are scheduled to Start 11/apr, but individual (free) Session Zero must be scheduled betwee now and some days before.
3 years on StartPlaying
Highly rated for: Creativity, Rule of Cool, World Builder
Additional details
How to prepare
You will need a mic and accounts created on Discord and DNDBeyond (both free!). Links will be provided once you register. Foundry is accessed via a weblink, so no account needed. Characters can be created in DNDBeyond as soon as you get the link, but we will jointly finalized it during Session Zero. Once you join, you will also receive a guidebook to Icewind Dale and some suggestions for Character creation, background, and motivation. You can bring any character concept you want, and I will help you tie them to the storyline.
What I provide
⚔️ Play this acclaimed Campaign enriched with top quality art/maps by James' RPG, Morvold Press, and others, and refined with supplements such as the Gazetter, the Complete DM's bundle (Eventyr), and due to my past experience as both player and DM of this full campaign. ⚔️ Benefit from a Discord channel that allows downtime activities, a DNDBeyond library with ~ all WotC content, and a Foundry platform customized for our Campaign - All these are free of charge for Players. ⚔️ Enjoy a fast-paced level advancement that allows you to progress while deep diving into the plot's challenges and mysteries ⚔️ Immerse yourself in a game with a rich blend of storytelling, ambiance music, and rich art and maps ⚔️ Experience your character become a core element of the story. Even if we are playing an official module, we will weave the main plot with each character background and motivations. ⚔️ Receive links once you register. Foundry is accessed via a weblink, so no account needed. Characters can be created in DNDBeyond as soon as you get the link, but we will jointly finalized between the individual free Session Zero (1h) and free Session 1 "Prologue" (3h) where we will test your character as part of a group, and set the storyline in motion.
Gameplay details
This Campaign includes a free individual Session Zero where we will go through safety tools, game style, and character creation. And a free collective Prologue where the group will agree on certain rules, lines and veils.
Content warnings
• Alcoholism
• Alcohol Use
• Animal Death
• Blood
• Character Death
• Death
• Deep or Large Bodies of Water
• Devils / Demons / Fiends
• Drugs (addiction, use, withdrawal)
• Eating Disorders
• Emotional Abuse
• Execution
• Extreme Violence
• Fire
• Freezing
• Genocide
• Hostages
• Insects
• Kidnapping
• Language/Cursing
• Mass Death
• Mind Control
• Murder
• Racism
• Scars
• Slavery
• Trauma
• Violence
Safety tools used
• Aftercare
• Breaks
• Lines and Veils
• Open Door
• Session 0
• Stars and Wishes
How will character creation work
Characters start at Level 1, roll stats or take point buy if you dislike the rolls. Character creation is on DNDBeyond where you have 24x7 free access to approx all Official WotC Material. If you have never used DnDbeyond we will create the character together in Session Zero/Prologue. The Campaign spans from Level 1 to 12 (expect 45-50 sessions), but can be expanded up to Level 20 on a follow-up extension I have designed if the groups agrees on continuing.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Foundry VTT
• Discord
• D&D Beyond
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Friday - 1:00 PM UTC
3-3.5 Hour duration
1 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Beginner
Age: 18+