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Paranoia: In the Computer's Trouble-shooter Service

Paranoia: In the Computer's Trouble-shooter Service

Paranoia | Campaign

About the adventure

Good morning citizen! Your Friend, the Computer, has chosen you and your clones for a promotion to Security Clearance Red. And you've been selected to be one of Alpha Complex's brandest newest Troubleshooters! Please report to your barrack's Production, Logistics, and Commissary distribution booth for your brand new, slightly worn, Red-level Troubleshooter uniform; a Teela-O-MLY AlgaeYum Bar; and a laser pistol. That's right citizen! You are authorized to shoot trouble! And what loyal citizen doesn't want to shoot trouble? A treasonous one! which is not you because the Computer would never promote a traitor. Run — don't walk — to Mission Briefing Room 74A-vve Sector RAT for your first Troubleshooter mission briefing. No time for breakfast. You will be 17.4916 minutes late to your briefing, and being late is treasonous! Citizen, records indicate that you have failed to fill out Form Y32-dke2-[redacted]-zzezz-[redacted]-[redacted] upon being promoted to a Red Clearance Troubleshooter. Failure to not complete and submit said form is treason. --- In this darkly humorous roleplaying game inspired by works such as Brave New World, Logan's Run, and Nineteen Eighty-Four, you live in an underground complex overseen by the Computer. The Computer [is insane] loves you. The Computer will send you on [impossible] glamorous missions filled with [Catch-22s] fun. Your teammates are out to [betray and kill] support you, and you are out to [betray and kill] protect them. All in all, your missions will be [dangerous] entertaining and you will likely [die] be promoted. And that's okay because in its infinite wisdom, the Computer made you with five clones because treason and accidents happen. Don't worry if you fail to fill out and submit Form Y32-dixe2-[redacted]-zzezz-[redacted]-[redacted]. Don't worry if your teammates discover you're a mutant. Don't worry if your teammates figure out you belong to a secret society. Don't worry because your newly decanted clone will be treason free. As will clones three, four, five, and six. All Hail The Computer, Our Glorious Friend and Benefactor!

Recruiting notes

🖥️ This is a beginner-friendly game designed to be engaging for experienced players. 🖥️ Balance of roleplay, exploration, social encounters, and combat. 🖥️ This is a welcoming, open table and there is no space for racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, or transphobia.



Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

12 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Teacher, Creativity

Additional details

How to prepare

To play, you will need: 🖥️ A reliable internet connection and ability to access our Discord, Roll20, and Google Drive. 🖥️ A reliable microphone for voice chat via Discord and Roll20. Web cameras are optional. 🖥️ A free Discord and Roll20 account. To prepare for our free Session Zero, you should: 🖥️ Join our Discord and Roll20 servers. 🖥️ Fill out our modified Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist so we may establish our game's expectations for lines, veils, ask first topics, and issues and themes of interest. 🖥️ Access our player's guide.

What I provide

I'll provide: 🖥️ A set of dedicated Discord channels for our use, both before, during, and after play, and a Roll20 game space to host character sheets, make rolls, etc. 🖥️ A player's guide of sorts — it's treasonous to demonstrate too much knowledge of the rules! 🖥️ Premade characters on request. 🖥️ My 26-years experience as a GM, and my ability to run games that are both beginner-friendly and enjoyable for long-time players.

Gameplay details

Paranoia is a game about a distopic future run by a well-meaning but glitched artificial intelligence, set in an underground complex, where people have lived far longer than intended. Its tone is that of dark humor arising from the absurdity of situations. Violence and character death can be arbitrary, which is why each player starts with six clones. PC vs. PC betrayal and violence is expected as characters seek to pin mission failure and acts of treason on teammates before teammates pin it on them. Honestly, it's fun, but it's a particular kind of fun that doesn't work for everyone. To help ensure we all do enjoy our game, I will send out a modified version of the Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist prior to Session Zero. Other safety tools we'll use during play include the X-card, Script Changes, and an Open Door policy, as well as post-session Debriefing, Stars and Wishes, and Roses and Thorns in our Discord text channels. We'll also check in with each other to make sure we're enjoying the game. While I don't engage in graphic descriptions of violence, abuse, or gore, each of us have different tolerance thresholds, so I strongly encourage players to make use of our safety tools, and we can revise our lines and veils as needed. During Session Zero, we will discuss the game, the framework for our campaign, and then begin character creation. During game play, we'll use Discord for voice and text chat, along with Roll20 to manage skill checks, combat, and the like. While we will use some maps and images, much of our game will be run using theater of the mind. During each session, we will have at least one 10 minute break, roughly halfway through each session. I strongly encourage player feedback, both in what you like about current play, what you would like to see happen in future play, and what isn't working for you. My job as trying to create the best experience I'm able to for each player, and that requires good feedback from you.

Content warnings

• Blood

• Character Death

• Classism

• Cults

• Death

• Execution

• Extreme Violence

• Guns

• Language/Cursing

• Mind Control

• Murder

• Police Brutality

• Small Spaces (Claustrophobia)

• Suffocation

• Terrorism

• Violence

Safety tools used




Lines and Veils

Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Open Door

Session 0

Stars and Wishes

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

We will discuss and begin character creation during our Session Zero. If you would prefer a pre-generated character, just ask.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used



Theater of the Mind


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Bi-weekly / Wednesday - 12:00 AM UTC

Mar 19 / Session 0

2.5-3.25 Hour duration

5 / 6 Seats filled


Wed, Mar 19 | 12:00 AM - Session 0

Wed, Apr 02 | 12:00 AM - Session 1

Wed, Apr 16 | 12:00 AM - Session 2

Wed, Apr 30 | 12:00 AM - Session 3

Wed, May 14 | 12:00 AM - Session 4


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+