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1 year on StartPlaying

3 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, World Builder, Teacher

About me

Welcome! I'm Gunnhrafn (he/him), and I'm a long-time GM (23 years of experience) who loves to run a wide variety of games for a wide variety of people, including introducing new players to role-playing games and introducing players to new games. I first started GMing in 1986 and I first began playing TTRPG back in 1982. As a GM, I enjoy shared story-telling and collaborative world building. I run one-shots (which can run 1 to 3 sessions), campaigns, and can be hired to run a game for a group or teach a new system. I can also be hired to run a one-to-one, single-player games. I use Discord for communication, and a mix of theater of the mind, Foundry VTT, Roll20 (primarily for D&D), and Google Sheets depending upon the game.

GM style

As a GM, I run inclusive, welcoming tables, and I strive to balance play style to players' interests and to the game system. I approach being a GM as I do an educator: My job is try to provide the best experience I can for each player based on their interests and comfort levels. I welcome strong role-play and player-driven narratives. Is your character looking for their long-lost mentor? Role-play that by looking for that long-lost mentor. I take cues from you. My default style is theater of the mind supported with maps and images, but I also build in tactical combat situations complete with battle maps and exploration maps as appropriate. For instance, while I run a Pirate Borg game primarily through theater of the mind, naval combat often calls for a battle map.

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