Dragon of Icespire Peak
Travel the lands of the Sword Coast, helping the people you meet and tackling quests until you are strong enough to challenge the dragon that has been terrorizing the countryside! The outcome of that story is determined by the actions and decisions of the adventurers—and, of course, the luck of the dice. You can run Dragon of Icespire Peak for as few as one player or as many as five players. Each player starts with a 1st-level character.
Authors: Jeremy Crawford, Mike Mearls, Christopher Perkins, James Wyatt, Rodney Thompson, Robert J. Schwalb, Peter Lee, Steve Townshend, Bruce R. Cordell
Game System
Dungeons & Dragons 5e
Release Date
September 2019
High Fantasy
4-6 Players
45-60 Hours
15-20 Sessions
Level 1 - Level 7