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Abomination Vaults

Abomination Vaults

Enter the megadungeon! Evil stirs in the depths of the Abomination Vaults, a sprawling dungeon where the evil sorcerer Belcorra Haruvex attempted to raise an army of monsters hundreds of years ago. Brave heroes must venture into a dungeon full of beasts and traps to prevent a spiteful villain from rising again. The Abomination Vaults Adventure Path is a three-part, monthly series of connected adventures that comprise a complete Pathfinder campaign.

Authors: James Jacobs, Stephen Radley-Macfarland, Vanessa Hoskins

Game System

Pathfinder 2e


Release Date



Gritty Fantasy


3-5 Players
130-160 Hours
45-55 Sessions
Levels 1-10

Abomination Vaults Reviews (11)

See what other Game Masters and players are saying about Abomination Vaults

Zach M avatar

Zach M

New review

Abomination Vaults is one of the most popular adventure paths for PF2e for good reason. The classic old school dungeon crawl feel done excellently here, as player navigate the mysterious gauntlight. The adventure is challenging but not cruel, with horror elements that fit the difficulty and give it a great "Diablo-lite" style. Apart from the content Paizo is also just an excellent publisher. The book is easy for new GMs to follow and does not require tons of reading ahead, and if you are playing on a virtual tabletop, which if you're playing through StartPlaying you probably are, the module on Foundry is outstanding, including not only all the book's content but also music, sound effects, and custom macros. Run/play it if you -Like combat heavy campaigns, that still has plenty of story and exploration -Want an adventure that is a little more challenging than some of the more popular 5e campaigns -Like slowly piecing together a mystery rather than rushing to plot points Maybe consider a different AP if you -Don't want to be frequently challenged by combat encounters -Have a larger group that might get frustrated by some of the map's long bottlenecking hallways -Want a huge emphasis on intrigue and social roleplaying Overall I think as long as players understand that their characters are at an actual risk of dying, this is a excellent adventure for players and GMs of any experience level, and I will be excited to run it for players for years to come.

Nick avatar


New review

Ran 20 sessions

Not for the faint of heart. This AP ate my party... repeatedly. But the concepts are very cool and I loved the horror aesthetic.

Olaf avatar


New review

Ran 73 sessions

Solid module, requires a little work to make some choices more meaningful and balance some encounters. Five stars when properly integrated with troubles under Otari and the beginners box.

GM Joe avatar

GM Joe

New review

A pretty fun giga dungeon crawl! If you are a fan of dark hallways and corridors full of dangerous or funny encounters, you'll enjoy running or playing in this module. Be a heroic dungeon delver, for money and glory (or for the betterment of the city)! I won't spoil it, but the plot and build up is a classic dungeon crawler staple, you'll love it!

Hernan Garcia avatar

Hernan Garcia

New review

If you enjoy combat, this module is perfect for you!. Alas, if you enjoy Roleplaying and talking with NPCs the Abomination Vaults might not be where you want to be. This Megadungeon works by having you explore room after room and most encounters always end up in a fight. The GM might need to make some adjustments if the party requires more narrative investment to continue exploring. Still, the quality and the overarching story that develops is top notch, this is one of the best adventures of the system!

George avatar


New review

If you like classic dungoneering, it doesn't really get much better. With a compeling villain, a lore-rich adventure location, and the town of Otari to serve as a home and a motivation for the player characters, "Abomination Vaults" is as complete an adventure package as you could wish for. Despite keeping almost all of the adventuring in a single "dungeon", through its varied levels, secrets, and discoveries, each time you decent a staircase inside the ruins it feels like you are discovering a new world. As a 1st to 10th level adventure, it's also much a more realistic choice for most groups than a 20 level saga, and it manages to maintain a coherent story throughout, without the dilution we see in longer adventure paths. The Foundry VTT module is beautifuly immersive and 100% ready-to-play. Another advantage of this module, for both GM and players, is that because of its popularity there is a plethora of 3rd party resources available (in addition to Paizo's own "Otari" supplements) to help you flesh out the campaign, and give players things to do outside the dungeon if that is needed.

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Pathfinder Second Edition's most popular campaign yet bursts from the pages of this massive hardcover compilation, containing all three adventures in the fan-favorite Abomination Vaults Adventure Path, a dungeon-delving campaign like no other, along with support articles, rules, monsters, and more!

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