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Your Game Minister

Your Game Minister (n/a)




2 years on StartPlaying

2 games hosted

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Storytelling

About me

Greetings from Your Game Minister, Craig Schwalenberg. I am an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister and a professional Game Master. I've been playing and running games for 33+ years and have been a professional Game Master for 3+ years. I am most familiar with Dungeons & Dragons (all editions, but 5e is my preference). I have also played and/or run Pathfinder, Hero Kids, G.U.R.P.S., Shadowrun, Vampire (and other games in the White Wolf system), FATE, TOON, Warhammer RPG, Numenera, and many others. I have used Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds for on-line role-playing, but prefer to just use Zoom with maps on As a Game Master, I prefer games with high role-playing and collaborative storytelling. I am skilled at improvisation and time-management. I'm a trained, experienced storyteller and incorporate that into every game I run. I specialize at teaching new people how to play and love working with mixed-age groups. To learn more about my Games Ministry, visit

GM Style

I'm a trained storyteller, so my games tend to focus on collaborative storytelling and role-playing. I prefer "Theater of the Mind" for combat, but will supplement it with basic maps and tokens to help players visualize and plan tactically. I love role-playing and reward players for it. Our goal is to have fun, and we are all responsible for creating a safe gaming environment that is fun for everyone.

Game platforms used
Game Master Reviews (11)


Players say this GM is great at:




Shan the Man avatar

Shan the Man

Played 1 sessions

Great at integrating old characters and their backgrounds into this one-shot adventure

Kristina Church avatar

Kristina Church

Played 1 sessions

We had a great experience with two families playing who did not know each other! One family was very experienced at RPGs, and the other (ours) were total beginners! Our GM was very welcoming and kept things moving along, even though things were a bit chaotic because we were using unfamiliar devices at Grandma's house over the Thanksgiving weekend. Even when we had technical difficulties and got bumped off the call, he did not lose his cool! Eventually we made it back in and were able to pick right up where we left off in the story. Our GM made it a fun, friendly, creative, and inclusive experience for all of us. It was a fun story that had lots of elements of Thankgiving, which made it even more special and unique to the occasion!

Patrick Price avatar

Patrick Price

Played 1 sessions

A fun and personable GM who creates a safe space and encourages player creativity and humor. The holiday one shot adventure was good for beginners and experienced players from 10 to 60 years of age. A good family experience. A good balance of play with mental challenges and plenty of opportunities for melee and magic.

Katie Curran avatar

Katie Curran

Craig is a wonderful storyteller and world builder. The storyline was very creative and engaging. I am a very novice player and he was very welcoming and took the time to explain my character's options so I could better understand the game. I would definitely recommend him for beginners.

Kira avatar


This DM really tries to allow the characters to have creativity and is willing to to change their plans to include things that characters want to do. They are very inclusive and understanding and willing to work with all levels of player experience.

Craig Weston avatar

Craig Weston

Played 1 sessions

Craig is a compassionate and well prepared game master who has the skills to adjust games to the players . He is a great game master, and keeps things moving!

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