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Franklin (he/they)

4 years on StartPlaying

About me

Heya! I am new to running games professionally, but have been coordinating and running games among my friends and peers for more than twenty years now. I have worked with players from diverse backgrounds and with various levels of familiarity with RPGs or with a particular system. I am most familiar with World of Darkness and Call of Cthulhu, but have ran games in D&D 5e, 3.5, AD&D, Pathfinder 1e, Paranoia, GURPS, Fate, and Savage Worlds. I use tech to help organize my play. Fantasy Grounds Unity is my VTT of choice and where I run most of my games. I use publish content like portraits, handouts, maps, images, as well as creating my own maps and images for my campaigns. I actively work to make my table a safe space for members of any background, including those who are neurodivergent, players of color, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, people of any socio-economic class, language background, political affiliation, or religion. One of my favorite parts about role-playing is that, at its core, it is an exercise in empathy. Players get the chance to put themselves in another’s shoes. Sometimes this is just fun, but sometimes role-playing can run deep. A dilemma for a character can be an impetus for introspection for the player. Fantasy creates dark mirrors by which we can confront the problems of our society divorced from their context. It is a way to come together, and not a way to drive us away from each other.

GM Style

I homebrew a lot of content, and even when I run published modules, I tend to expand upon them. It helps me to engage in the story to add events, descriptions, dialogs, side-quests and NPCs. I mostly game with adults, and most of my stories and campaigns are written for an adult audience. For games involving children, we will discuss tone, vocab, and story as needed. For adult players, we will use and discuss safety tools as part of the onboarding process and session 0. I use line & veils, consent checklists, and content warnings in my campaigns.

Game platforms used
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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.